Duke Nukem: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future!

  • Id: 2021
  • Platforms: DOS
  • Abbreviation: dnukem3
  • Display Name: Duke Nukem: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future!
  • Game Groups:
  • Duke Nukem,Episode 3,Trapped,Future
  • Platformer
  • Shooter


In the year 1997, the maniacal Dr. Proton has developed mechanical creatures known as Techbots. Commanding an army of Techbots, the insane scientist intends to conquer the entire world. There is only one hero on Earth who can stop him with his guns and attitude: Duke Nukem.
Duke Nukem: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future is a side-scrolling shooter with platform elements. Most of the gameplay consists of shooting enemies and exploring the environments, trying to reach the exit and advance to the next stage.
In this final episode, Dr. Proton has created his own future, where his power cannot be matched; Duke is thrown into this future nearly defenseless, and has to figure out a way to escape and defeat the mad doctor once and for all.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Duke Nukem: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future! DOS