Milon's Secret Castle

  • Platformer
  • Puzzle


The title of this game is very appropriate, as wherever you look there are walls you can break through, or invisible blocks you can make appear.
In order to complete this game as fast as possible, every little secret must be known ahead of time, and the author clearly exhibits such knowledge.
This movie was made with the Japanese version, 迷宮組曲 (Meikyuu Kumikyoku, meaning "labyrinth composition"), but it is essentially identical to the English version, except for the shop/intro text language.
It is about two minutes faster than the previous version, mostly due to much faster boss fights and more precise maneuvers.

This movie has a full Atlas Map encode, which shows the standard encode overlaid on a zoomed out map.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Bad Meikyuu Kumikyoku (J) [f1].nes J NES SHA1: D85D129183593471A6FFA1C3B709F022C687F5FE
MD5: B95381BB82D3FD57CBEB9B72C7B8EFF6
Good Milon's Secret Castle (U) [!].nes U NES SHA1: 6ED393942539AAF99FE5A94CFE3A2AAA471F9B1D
MD5: 22667D02D3BDE0A44A42194CB6BF26F3