Cave Story

  • Doukutsu Monogatari,洞窟物語
  • Platformer
  • Shooter


Cave Story (2004) is a famous freeware indie game notable for being made entirely by one person, Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya.
Watch as nitsuja completely destroys this difficult game with amazingly precise movement. This playthrough saves Curly and finishes with the best ending after beating Ballos.
The program used to make this run, Hourglass, was also developed by nitsuja—with the creation of this run in mind. As such, it is our first published run of a Windows game.

Downloadable encodes and the YouTube encodes include commentary as soft subtitles.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Doukutsu.exe J Windows SHA1: 4C26357AF89971DD1DEC9B06E278DFD6722921ED
MD5: CE3942DBC04635F4B018006F523CD6F4