User Files from FatRatKnight

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#21476126496737213 - NES Ultima: Quest of the Avatar -- Basic info script

Uploaded 3/17/2015 3:58 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Colorful numbers. Tiny cute informative icons. Joy.
I'll leave it up to you to determine what the numbers mean. I produced this script to make it slightly more interesting to watch that recent submission.
There is one commented line at the start of the while true loop. In particular, the one that looks like a commented out line of lua code, not the fancy borders. That's specifically for this submission. Uncomment that line for lighting up dungeons when watching that specific movie.

#21139027649081064 - GBA - Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder - To 3rd floor

In 05:39.86 (20299 frames), 1531 rerecords
Uploaded 3/1/2015 11:37 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
BizHawk 1.9.1
I don't know where my TASing mood is going, but currently it seems it says I'm not done with this game yet, what with all the analyzing I've done elsewhere.
It is critical that we take the time to kill off two members, as the game insists on having you run with a four-person party, and this divides up the experience necessary for extremely useful spells. Notably, since I'm just checking a route, I did not manipulate luck as much as I should early on. The route seems to work.

#17856867996392106 - Partial conversion of Mugg's M&L:SS script to BizHawk.

Uploaded 10/5/2014 4:06 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
I fished around for emulator specific functions, redefined names for them at the top, and now it's mostly a matter of picking similar functions when porting to a different emulator. Mostly.
I expect some poor alignments to come of this, so the rest of the conversion would best be handled by someone else. Haven't bothered looking for a GBA BIOS, so I just used the static screen of a ROM-less BizHawk for display and stand-in functions for memory related stuff. I hope I got the right memory functions, as I didn't rightly check them when getting rid of the stand-ins.
Also, I did two adjustments in the script itself. First, I moved the "EXP to next level calculator" from a list of if/else to a table, and compressed the Bros Attack Counters into fewer lines, including using math.max instead of checking if the number is below zero.

#17475295745275850 - GBA Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories -- Prize Card scan bot v2

Uploaded 9/17/2014 11:40 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
My masterpiece! ... Well, data collection can now be done entirely without my direct input, I hope.
I fixed up the display by flipping it. Rather than the type running off the edge to the right, it now runs downward, with value going to the right instead. I can make much better use of vertical space this way. It still has no concept of screen space, but there's a lot more effective space with the direction I'm having it head.
I also do better than just list out a bunch of IDs for each card. I even identify the name (though I hope I picked the right set of pointers)! The first seven characters of the name is provided, but the full 17 characters is provided if you use the print out button (default: Z) in the script.
Pick a moment just four frames before the white flash. Start the script. Unpause emulation. If you did something wrong, either the little red number goes up (too early or wrong situation), or the exact same card keeps showing up (too late).
I made this script so that all the data collection for prize cards does not have to rely on my hands, though it's also easier for me to use. Also, I'd love to know whether the script is identifying the wrong names.

#17428142883917495 - GBA Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories -- Prize Card scan bot v1

Uploaded 9/15/2014 8:43 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Refinements need to be made to the output & display, but this bot is working its magic!
Find the exact moment where the game generates a card, pick a few frames before that moment, run the script, and unpause. If you don't know precisely when the RNG is used, try four frames before the white flash.
Anyway, I still need to fix up the output, as it doesn't know the concept of limited screen space, but I have something!

#17415080449457385 - GBA Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories -- Object listing script

Uploaded 9/15/2014 6:35 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
The script attempts to identify whether combat has taken place, and if so, attempts to list out every object within it.
That's all it does. The strings are extracted from the game itself, and the script doesn't really do anything else. It's a proof of concept that I am able to get access to what's going on in there.
As a bonus, the script has some commented out piece of code. Remove the comment markers, then run the script. I haven't looked too hard at this generated list, but there might be some interesting things to look at. It's all in hexadecimal, and the six massive numbers would be memory pointers, not actual data in and of itself.

#17185532309086037 - GBA Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories -- Shop RNG script v1

Uploaded 9/4/2014 10:29 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
The goal is to display exactly what you're getting from the shop, in four colorful blocks. With 16 different sorts of packs to choose from, all combinations of (attack, magic, item, mix) and (leaf, brown, black, Moogle) are shown. It should correctly identify everything I know and hint at things I don't know.
The script displays the limits of what I know, but I hope it isn't hard to make adjustments to fill in the gaps.

#17161206946737814 - Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories -- Shop script v0 (WIP)

Uploaded 9/3/2014 8:12 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Version zero. Because it definitely needs more work.
On the left side are the raw 100-sided dice rolls. Jump a few times to get an idea as to what order the numbers are in.
Along the top is the predicted card values: The two-digit number is the raw 100-sided die roll for the identifier, the one-digit number is the value, and it is yellow if the card is premium.
Somehow, I missed the part where the pack quality varies. The prediction likely works with the basic pack. Probably falls apart if you pick something with a fancier binding than the leaf one. What else don't I know? I like to analyze things, so it's no trouble at all.

#15060266155900750 - SNES HyperZone (U), maximum score/kills - First half of Area 4

In 09:24.37 (33918 frames), 7210 rerecords
Game: HyperZone ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 6/1/2014 5:24 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Optimized the damaging part and the boss of Area 3 - Old Capital. Should be faster than my old Snes9x WIP. I did accidentally clip off the track for a brief moment near the end, but the amount of slowing that resulted thankfully did not cost me any frames, so I left it in as I would rather keep my boss progress.
... And I made some progress into Area 4 - Grass Land. Halfway through, too! And that one "fluffy snowball" that looks like I missed, flying past me to the right is actually hit by my charged shot. There is a solid explosion sound, and my score increases, that's your clues.
The part I stopped at has these growing plant towers of sorts... Difficulties:
  • These have 3 HP each
  • The lowest segment can't be reached by normal shots
  • A charged shot skips the HP check (1-hit kill) for upper segments, but does 2 damage to the lowest one
    • I can "double hit" with a charged shot, but it requires particular timing
  • The upper segments do not exist until I get real close
    • And won't spawn if I destroy a lower one too quickly
  • The 12 objects limit is reached very quickly by these things
  • Oh, and I have more of those "fluffy snowballs" halfway through
Why, hello there, puzzle. I expect difficulties optimizing my score.

#14561587450954563 - SNES HyperZone (U), maximum score/kills, area 2 done

In 05:30.67 (19873 frames), 3997 rerecords
Game: HyperZone ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/9/2014 6:24 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Ah, HyperZone. Yet another project I got myself distracted on. Will I ever stay on something long enough to get it done? Area 2 - Blast Furnace done.
Been redoing HyperZone on lsnes. Differences between this and my Snes9x TAS:
  • I use a code for some kind of 3D effect, which I disable anyway.
    • Essentially, I just want to turn the title screen red. Hey, surprises.
  • I cross over that "barrier" at the second wave fewer times in Area 1
  • Some enemies didn't spawn in my Snes9x run, due to object limits somewhere in Area 2. Fixed.
  • Slight optimizations and differences in flying around. I hope the entertainment is better.
  • The Snes9x run clears Area 3. I haven't gone that far yet.
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