User File #68108177071818206

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#68108177071818206 - Super Robin Hood RAM Watch

Quattro Adventure.wch
Uploaded 12/15/2020 6:06 AM by Really_Tall (see all 11)
Some provided by Vhyrro, and the rest figured out by me with the help of the source code.
SystemID NES
0307	b	u	0	RAM	X sub position - "robindx"
0308	w	u	0	RAM	X position - "robinxl", "robinxh"
0311	b	u	0	RAM	X speed - "runcount"
030A	b	u	0	RAM	Y position - "robiny"
0318	b	s	0	RAM	Y speed - "robingravity"
0	S	_	1		
030C	b	s	0	RAM	State - "leftright"
030B	b	u	0	RAM	Screen relative X position - "robinonscrx"
030D	b	s	0	RAM	Old state - "oleftright"
030E	w	u	0	RAM	Old X position - "orobinxl", "orobinxh"
0310	b	u	0	RAM	Old Y position - "orobiny"
0312	b	u	0	RAM	Title screen value - "robindir"
0313	b	u	0	RAM	Running animation - "robinanim"
0314	b	u	0	RAM	Firing animation - "robinfiring"
0315	b	u	0	RAM	Crouching animation - "robincrouch"
0316	b	u	0	RAM	Height - "robinheight"
0317	b	u	0	RAM	Is jumping - "robinjumping"
0319	b	u	0	RAM	Face animation - "robinlook"
031A	b	u	0	RAM	On ladder - "robinladder"
031B	b	u	0	RAM	Ladder reclimb timer - "robinladdercounter"
031C	b	u	0	RAM	Invincibility timer - "robininvinc"
031D	b	u	0	RAM	"robinbehind" - unknown
031E	b	u	0	RAM	On first jump frame - "robinjustjumped"
031F	w	u	0	RAM	Respawn X - "oldxl", "oldxh"
0321	b	u	0	RAM	Respawn Y - "oldy"
0322	b	u	0	RAM	Respawn on ladder - "oldladder"
0323	b	u	0	RAM	Death countdown - "killed"
0324	w	u	0	RAM	Arrow kill X position - "deadarrowx"
0325	b	u	0	RAM	Arrow kill Y position - "deadarrowy"
0326	b	u	0	RAM	Used arrow timer - "deadarrowcount"
0	S	_	1		
0009	b	u	0	RAM	Vertical screen scroll
000A	b	u	0	RAM	Horizontal screen scroll
0042	b	u	0	RAM	Room ID
0048	b	u	0	RAM	Life count
0049	b	u	0	RAM	Heart count
0640	d	u	0	RAM	Key data bitfield
0650	d	u	0	RAM	Enemy data bitfield