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Last Updated by adelikat on 1/13/2022 2:59 AM
!!! Jetpack Levels 50 - 59
Level images, both as viewed, and with secret passages for [GameResources/DOS/Jetpack|Jetpack].

[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels00To09|00-09] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels10To19|10-19] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels20To29|20-29] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels30To39|30-39] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels40To49|40-49] |
50-59 |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels60To69|60-69] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels70To79|70-79] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels80To89|80-89] |

%%TAB 50: Montezuma's Revenge%%



50 - WIP #1


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%%TAB 51: Mission Boulder%%

There is a third green teleporter on (15,1), the starting square for one of the steel balls.



51 - WIP #1


__Thread Discussion__


Here's a route for level 51, tons of possibilities here...



Looks like you may not be able to phase the right wall of the basin the ball you start next to falls into... not in one %%%go at least. So delay-phasing or going round?

I guess you're using the teleporters to the fullest... i.e. if you can almost pick up an item through a tele using it %%%regularly, then if you use it at the last possible moment, you might be able to do it. Otherwise, let's see if there's a%%% ball cycle thing preventing you from taking the fastest route (looking at (-6,-5)) maybe you can do something useful %%%during that time.



The most problematic gem is the isolated one across from the bottom left green teleporter. The marble on the rightmost %%%conveyer that Svimmer mentions does have a nasty cycle, so I grab this isolated gem instead of waiting for the marble. %%%This move pays off later as I no longer have to detour there after the area with the red gates, and I just teleport (and %%%grab a gem, why not) closer to the exit. Delay-phasing is used to get to the exit, although I only had to use one extra%%% cycle because the marble is so bogged down by the conveyer.


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%%TAB 52: Tornado%%



52 - WIP #1


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Tornado has been kind of disappointing. I'm pretty happy with everything before the last marble section, but that's all %%%pointless because you get severely bottlenecked and have to wait a lot in the end anyway. Oh well, I hope the playaround%%% in there demonstrates why this level is frustrating. Time to move on.



so it is not possible to follow the marble into the green portal at the bottom and come out on top?


There's no way to the green teleporter, at least without an invincibility powerup. 


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%%TAB 53: Breakout%%



53 - WIP #1


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I tried a few routes for this one. One route just snaked straight lines through the gems at the top and came out on the %%%bottom right, which ran into enemy issues. The other one got the rightmost ones on the floor first, and then zig-zagged %%%through the top blocks, finishing in the middle, then falling and collecting the remaining floor gems. The route in the %%%video is nice because it has a lot of flexibility in evading the missiles and ended up being the fastest.


I guess the shield wasn't making the 53 route any better? Was there a way to plan the level with the shield since you %%%knew it was about to spawn?


I tried grabbing it on the way to the upper right corner but it was too slow. The missiles weren't a huge issue here so%%% I don't think it would be worth it to grab it earlier.

[[route map for this level]]



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%%TAB 54: Bulge%%

There is a full fuel tank on the most bottom-right square behind a marble.



54 - WIP #1


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The route seems pretty logical, as you need fuel to finish the's actually possible to go through the bulge %%%without fuel, but insanely difficult (and most importantly, slow). As usual I try to be productive while waiting for %%%missiles.


You did try alt-stepping down the "staircase" at the beginning?


There are two problems with alt-stepping down that staircase. First is that you don't hit terminal velocity immediately %%%after stepping off, so falling is much slower. Second is that you gain too much horizontal speed and this results in you %%%jumping over most of the gems. 


Did you try phasing (-10, 3) from the left side and collecting the gem above after that? Otherwise was it possible to do%%% a frame of delay-phasing on that block?


You're actually right about this and I did try this before I uploaded the video. You can delay-phase that brick by %%%starting ASAP from the left side and then settling on top to collect the gem, and it is faster. The problem is that you %%%run into the same bottlenecks as before - you just barely can't get past the missile to escape from the top of the %%%bulge, and the spring under the half-tank blocks you from going down the staircase after collecting the rightmost gem. %%%In the end it makes no difference.


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%%TAB 55: Deimos%%



55 - WIP #1


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I feel like there are only two sensible routes here, one with the red gate and one without it. The route with the gate %%%off is 10 frames faster, probably due to the fact that it only requires one teleport instead of two and the switch isn't%%% too far out of the way.


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%%TAB 56: Wander Lust%%



56 - WIP #1

56 - WIP #2

56 - WIP #3


__Thread Discussion__



The only major route difference I made so far is using the teleporter to get the two gems in the bottom left corner %%%early instead of picking them up when I'm nearby. It was one frame slower.

I've considered TONS of optimizations here...i.e. figuring out ideal configurations for picking up groups of nearby %%%gems, burning crates early to position myself better for the next gem, efficient pathing, etc.

I am definitely not done playing around with this level. Doing this first route has given me another idea, and maybe %%%posting this will give people other ideas. Generally it's better to start by going down, because navigating up without %%%fuel is time-consuming and the fuel is near the bottom anyway.



This is 39 frames better than the first WIP, so a bit over half a second. I actually never thought that going up at %%%first would be faster, but this route proves me wrong. I have one more idea I want to explore before I'm done with this%%% level.


So for the record you're facing subpixel problems with no obvious solution (like phasing down before the jump) with the %%% one jump where you phase a crate but aren't able to enter the space that was left? Did you try phasing the crate to the %%%left (10, 3) instead of above (10, 2)? That would save you a jump, but you'd have to jump again to collect (10, 1).


Yeah, for horizontal subpixels I can just phase up/down but for vertical there is no good solution (jumping up to that %%%crate at different positions results in slightly different subpixels, but none worked out). Interesting would %%%be one less jump, so it would definitely save time.

This is kind of moot now though, as an entirely different route has shaved 27 frames off WIP 2.



Hmm... It looks pretty logical, all the second half looks logical with the ones that are left. Unless picking up the two %%%gems at (14, 8) and (15,9) from the top after the tele instead of bottom before the tele and going right from there is %%%any good?


I considered this, but we're talking about phasing 5 crates to get them from the top instead of just 2 from the bottom %%%(roughly 10 frames per crate, factoring in phasing time and travel...although falling is faster, it's not THAT much %%%faster). The 2 routes for getting the cluster in the upper right are roughly the same time.


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%%TAB 57: Watch out for the barriers!%%



57 - WIP #1


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Obviously the barriers are a huge problem here. The bottom is kind of OK because at least you can phase around them, but %%%the top section just traps you and forces you to wait. The period for the cycles is kind of short...overall the time for %%%this is dictated by how many cycles it takes. The second best time I got was a whole red cycle slower (about 2.5 %%%seconds). I really don't think this can be improved, as the route on the bottom is really efficient and no other route I %%%tried even came close.


I guess you tried to phase the block you start on then going left instead to collect those ones, then going through?


That's another good route - but I would end up hitting the same cycle, so the final time would be the same as well.


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%%TAB 58: Deception%%


58 - WIP #1


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%%TAB 59: Patience is a virtue%%



59 - WIP #1


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[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels00To09|00-09] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels10To19|10-19] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels20To29|20-29] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels30To39|30-39] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels40To49|40-49] |
50-59 |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels60To69|60-69] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels70To79|70-79] |
[GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels80To89|80-89] |