The Golden Baton

  • Adventure


The Golden Baton is a text-based adventure game for multiple microcomputer systems, including the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum. It is the first game in Brian Howarth's Mysterious Adventures series. You take the role of a nameless adventurer whose task is to recover the titular Golden Baton, an invaluable artifact which holds the power to maintain balance and peace in the land, which has been stolen from the Palace of King Ferrenuil. Many have tried before you did and none returned. Can you succeed in where they failed and bring peace back to the kingdom?
LoganTheTASer and nymx together improve on the previous run by nearly four minutes thanks to an illustration-skipping feature that wasn't known when the previous run was being made.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Golden Baton, The (1983)(Digital Fantasia)[a].tzx E ZXS SHA1: CA3287CC61B8A40AC1BDA6E1F8972CF88DEC1657
MD5: 8FA13A38D3F8877E2B5B51B384D11173