Street Fighter Alpha 3

  • Street Fighter,Alpha 3,Street Fighter Zero 3
  • Fighting


Street Fighter Zero 3 (ストリートファイターZERO3), better known as Alpha 3, was released in 1998.
SFZ/A3 is an evolution of the previous Zero series, and there was a huge improvement in the fight style, combos, animations/mode and with addition of fighters that were missing in Street Fighter Alpha or Zero.
Dramatic battle is a special mode in the Street Fighter Alpha games that allows both players to fight on the same side. As in the previous movie, error1 again uses this mode to show a variety of entertaining combos with Rose and Dhalsim.
Note: See this post for an explanation about why this movie obsoletes the Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha one.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Street Fighter Alpha 3 Arcade