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I used from and got the movie to sync.
CRC32: 413441BE
MD5: 25BF523623B5EE8E82B047327F9C1341
SHA-1: 74B93A8111FC19AF999459A5C230C498047CFDA7
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I always used to overshoot with waiting and with doing things steadily and properly, but that in turn results in other problems. Judging becomes a boring routine task that you have to overwork to get right. Which leads to having less energy on it over time, and here we are, at 11 unclaimed movies in the queue, and 12 judging underway. As long as the spirit of the decision is correct, we have to reduce overworking to get some energy back, and to be more productive. As the rules are steadily getting more forgiving, potential minor mistakes should be less of a deal if the decision is correct in nature. I'll ask what other judges think about this.
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Do those movies have identical gameplay? I think that should be the only reason for cross-game or cross-port obsoletion, not whether they are "close enough".
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Fortranm wrote:
I suppose this has more to do with technicalities than rules, but has anyone tried if it still syncs once the frame rate setting is adjusted?
Memory wrote:
Please ONLY suggest submissions if a rule change has occurred and we missed this particular submission. [...] I would like people to in their posts link the submission in question and also list what rule change should affect judgment of this submission.
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How do you define a clip then?
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Crash41596 wrote:
A majority of glitches that save a good chunk of time are not clips, but level loops, which can be done anywhere there is a death trigger you can fall into.
You still clip past the death trigger.
Crash41596 wrote:
I very much like the idea of "All Levels". I am not sure where that would leave the ant's cave level, it's a level where you do a side quest that is completely optional. The level itself is not on the map, but accessed via the enchanted earth level.
The phrase "all levels" doesn't mention how you would approach clipping. You may clip everywhere and still just go and complete every level. Or you could use no clipping. Or some clipping. When deciding on branching we aim for maximum difference. Currently the difference between the 2 available branches is 1/3 of all levels being skipped by clipping through a damage barrier. It could arguably be considered major if it fundamentally changed gameplay in the rest of the levels, as arkiandruski said. But as long as clipping is allowed in them, they look mostly the same. Given the skipped amount and the visual difference of what is left, I can't personally call this a major skip glitch. It's still a question of how much time difference will be there if no clipping was utilized at all. But even if it would be not much, the movies would definitely look and feel different enough to have separately. Again, this is what we're aiming for. But without an agreement to obsolete the current publication I also don't want this movie to obsolete it. I'd rather obsolete it later if "no clips" is made and there's an agreement. If "all levels" is made instead and it avoids clipping, that would be awesome too.
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If we call Moons Showcase, and then we call the Demo class Showcase, that would be stupid. We don't want those 2 to be the same thing. If we call them using synonyms that would also be confusing because people would not know the difference. We're closer to having the Demo class that we were back then, and my current proposal is Playground, because it's basically a creativity sandbox. I don't want to rename Moons to something that consists of several words. If the Demo class is called Playground and it's submission-only, renaming Moons to Showcase feels good to me. If we call the Demo class Showcase, renaming Moons to Showcase as well feels bad to me. The thing with "Additional goals, Exotic goals, Unconventional goals, Atypical goals" is that Playground is also for those, just for super esoteric ones that don't even fit into Moons. And yes Moons will remain an entertainment based class because it's how we accept non-standard goals.
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This was the initial talk in #bizhawk And then I asked slamo and Dacicus to provide some insight on what's needed I haven't tested how 86Box works with different media types and how many it supports at once, but here's a list of files PCem works with:
  • ROM files for a given machine. They also determine what will be available in emulated hardware options, may not be relevant for hawk.
  • NVR file that stores battery info of the BIOS. Not every setup needs it to launch. Not sure if any setup will create this while running. UPDATE: If NVR is missing and that firmware uses it, it pulls it from a default NVR file for that firmware and starts from that
  • 2 floppy disks can be loaded at once. The system can record to them. Swappable.
  • 1 CD can be loaded at once. Can't be recorded to? Swappable.
  • 1 HDD can be loaded at once. The system records to it a lot. Can't be swapped? UPDATE: Some firmwares can use up to 4 hard drives (3 if you're using a CD drive).
  • Textual config file for machine description, listing what devices it consists of and where on the host they are. Each configured machine has its own file. 86Box has only one file for whatever the current config is.
PCem also supports zip drives and cassettes, but for games those don't seem to be needed. So writes to those files will need to be captured and stored in a save RAM style, so a new movie could start from that. This is important because if you install something without capturing emulated timing fully, resulting hashes will be wrong and the movie may desync. This is why we require game installation to be inside a movie (either main or separate). Games come in the form of media images or in the form of file bunches. In order to load the latter into PCem one needs to create a compatible image on the host (for example using mkisofs). Only then such an image can be sent to the emulator. So since so many things have to be loaded at once, I thought that maybe extending functionality of Multi-disk Bundler could work? It allows us specify the platform, so it works fine as a core loader. And it even already supports loading several game files at once for Sega. What it doesn't have is knowing the difference between loading in parallel and swapping. For most cores it's the latter (PSX disks for example). It could also calculate hashes (for huge files - on demand). This would help with setting up MAME probably (tho simply renaming the game zip to something that launches the MAME core is a great idea too), and most definitely with Amiga emulators since they can load several mediums at once too. In terms of porting to hawk, PCem is has been on hiatus recently and we can't tell how active it will remain in the future. While 86Box has a huge team and is very active.
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Okay so for the purpose of any potential future reorganization, it should be okay to have these movies as VS (neither NES, nor Arcade), and then we can list them alongside other systems that are close to them. So we need the parser to have VS and to be able to read it from FCEUX and NESHawk movies. But I never checked if they store this info... EDIT: Wait isn't Pinball (VS).nes just a conversion into an actual NES ROM? What's the Arcade equivalent if there is any? Arcade ROM called pinball is not relevant it seems. MAME doesn't even run Pinball (VS).nes: Fatal error: Unimplemented Mapper 99 Okay yeah I guess we'll have to keep those as NES and VS as game version. Too much overhead infrastructure to implement in emulators and parsers otherwise.
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For the record, a lot of subtitle problems with A2600 and other tiny resolution consoles can be helped by simply prescaling the needed dimension by some integer factor. For example 2x for A2600 width. If we're going back to 1x encodes in the future for whatever reason, this workaround should be used to not cause subtitle placement hell.
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Congratulations and good luck!
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It would be weird to have ACE in the verification movie that gives you ridiculous advantages, and then starting NG+ from there saying "no there are absolutely no glitches in this movie, only in the verification setup, so we don't need the tag". Now assigning it tags that are only relevant to the setup feels weird too. But IMO "hiding" things that directly affect gameplay of NG+, but are set up in advance, is more misleading.
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For those vids my browser says the files are corrupted.
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Also please add sync instructions as movie annotations You can upload the fixed movie to and post the link here.
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There was a long chain of events that led to the current situation. In Thread #14601: Movies labeled "glitched" that shouldn't be a few users agreed to go back and change all branch labels, including obsoleted movies, according to some new system they came up with, without getting a proper community consensus. That resulted in and other funny branches that made the staff team interfere and have a proper discussion: Thread #15203: "glitched" label vs. "no x glitch" label. Staff agreement was to stop using blank branch as an indication of any%. But community still halved on how to handle branch labels, so I suggested a solution that didn't blindly follow either side, and didn't force the other side to accept what they hated. I suggested to rely on statistics, and to replace the "glitched" label with something more descriptive. Major skip glitch (it's when we invented the term too) is not present in most games, and it's not a regular in-game option, so it's a rare thing in general and it needs to be labeled. But there are games where most movies use such a technique, for example SM64. So we just highlight which branch has unique goals: [2062] N64 Super Mario 64 "70 stars, no Backwards Long Jump" by Jesus, Kyman, MICKEY_Vis11189, MoltovM, Nahoc, snark, sonicpacker, ToT, CeeSammerZ, coin2884, Eru, Goronem, Mokkori, Nekuran, Nothing693 & pasta in 42:58.52 stands out from all other SM64 branches by avoiding BLJ. Similar cases: [1937] Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog "no zips" by Aglar in 17:36.58 [2950] GBA Sonic Advance "Tails, no Ultraspindash" by GoddessMaria in 13:33.54 [4057] NES Mega Man 2 "zipless" by warmCabin in 27:16.17 Some people were still unhappy, but the final thing we could do to reduce annoyance was creating a flag to unambiguously signify what the site counts as any% under our tier class rules: So we actually don't use blank label for anything special. It's only left blank if there's no unique goal in a movie compared to other branches. Which is why I suggested to call it a trunk. It makes sense because there can't be 2 current publications with blank branches for the same game: to be able to distinguish them from one another we need to label one of them, or both of them, depending on rarity of their goals. But when we applied the new system, we did not update labels for obsoleted movies initially. Not that leaving them wrong was the goal, we just didn't get around to doing that until some years later. So what's happening with Aria of Sorrow is obsoleted movies not being relabeled to match the new (as of 2014) system. Movies with major skip glitches should be labeled to tell the nature of the glitch they use (not the glitch name, just its main effect on gameplay). Probably it's just "warp glitch". To me it's common sense to assign explicit labels to things that are unique, and to things that choose common options (like player count). Of course that will result in branchless movies not having goals in common across different games, because different games allow different goals, and the result may look inconsistent. Now "inbounds" became a label because it was a unique feature of the branches that have it. Even if there are several such branches for some game, it's still only featured in minority of branches. In the case of AoS, most branches use zips, so we don't highlight that. One branch uses death warp glitch, and we highlight that by its gameplay effect. And 2 branches ban zipping entirely, so we also highlight that. I hope this explains some wonders. If there are ways to improve the current system considering those past problems we used to have, I'm interested! And it's absolutely true that the system that was introduced after this thread was created is absolute nightmare: Just (IMO) not in terms of labeling glitches. That part I at least understand and can easily explain how to apply.
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You need some regex help, but I don't know regex.
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How big is it if you 7zip it?
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Post subject: #tasvideos IRC logs
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Does anyone have those? Ideally going as far back as possible, and with minimal gaps. I wonder if people just wiped everything related to freenode,
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An important question is: why does the goal make sense? I think it makes sense because it fully relies on in-game options (not just settings but modes). NG+ is one of them, character choice is another. If 2 movies that are entertaining and similar don't have the difference in those in-game options, I'm not ready to accept them to Moons. Rejection would indeed feel discouraging IMO. We can cancel it for now and then uncancel and rejudge when the rules are updated. And I'd still want to look at a rule draft before doing anything with this movie, because I need to understand what kind of direction we want to be going with movies like this. It's not only about save anchor, but also about character choice on top of that. Simon's rating is rather solid, even though feedback in the submission thread mentioned that it still looked repetitive, just short enough not to get bored. I think this movie looks crazier. Is there a way to play some other mode as Simon? What are people's opinions on obsoleting Simon? Personally I think, if we're going for Simon as a separate branch, he really needs to do something different to showcase why he's a great char. Ideally he would avoid this spam attack, so some tactics could be involved and the spirit of the original game could shine. Then it would make perfect sense to have him as a separate movie by regular Moons principles. Until then, I would obsolete Simon.
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Go for it!
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Samsara wrote:
Correct. There's a bit more to talk about with AoS branching, but I'll bring that up in the relevant thread.
Should I wait with unobsoletion and rebranching then?
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Samsara wrote:
[1478] GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow by Kriole in 20:58.62 also avoids OoB glitches. I feel like if we revive all souls, this run should similarly be branched as "inbounds".
So only those 2 branches would be inbounds, and all the runs they obsolete?
Samsara wrote:
"warp glitch" should also be rebranched to GEG, but that's not relevant to the discussion.
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