Captain America and the Avengers

  • Captain America,Avengers
  • Action
  • Platformer


Captain America and the Avengers is a game developed and released by Data East in 1991. It features the Marvel Comics characters The Avengers in a side-scrolling action platform to defeat the evil Red Skull.
In this run, Xipo takes a full advantage of a forward slide and all types of Captain's shield attacks, he even swims on the acid in it! Though he ignores the power-up system, because collecting the poles he would lose more time than could be gained by more powerful attacks.
This run is 00:10.45 seconds faster than Xipo's previous movie due to skipping two "Red Alert" screens.

This movie has a full Atlas Map encode, which shows the standard encode overlaid on a zoomed out map.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Captain America and the Avengers U NES SHA1: CA1492C06858D7FF6B56846747F00297FAFEEEC2
MD5: F8FECF25D3AE13D95DDFD241865E6340