User Files from FatRatKnight

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#39660220375676218 - GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - Changes tracker

Uploaded 6/13/2017 2:12 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
This script now records positions and whether things exist. After playing parts of the run, rewind and do different things. The script will state whether things existed or not, and if they did, whether they changed position from the last time it got to that frame. The script will dumbly record into its memory every time you go back over a part, so if you just rerun the new input again, it will claim everything is present or absent exactly as they were.
The purpose, mainly, is so we can more easily tell if the CPU did something different when doing random crud.
Oh, and I changed the order of the player ghost functions. It'll record your new position after displaying what it has. Previously, it recorded, then displayed the recording, which will always coincide with the player's immediate position. At least this way, if you leave the ghost recorder on, that you can see the immediate local changes you're making, though it really isn't smart. Thanks to core resets killing lua variables, and one being triggered every time you play a new movie, cross-movie checks with this type of ghost stuff are impossible without file IO.
I do need a better frame detection (it doesn't like start of races). I also need a better way to detect whether a thing exists.

#39633420164284248 - FZMV: Pawn 5 Training Jet Vermillion opener (446 km/h at 3"45)

In 00:32.15 (1920 frames), 1241 rerecords
Uploaded 6/11/2017 9:14 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
SRAM uses Type 5 controls. I make no claim that this is the best opener, I'm fooling around trying to figure things out.
It jumps to 408 km/h when the clock is visibly 0'03"43, and to 446 at 0'03"45 on the next frame. I'm not entirely certain what's going on. It looks like a double hit to me, although Power only drops once.
The Wind Walker CPU in Training hasn't had any obvious speed boost from me hitting the wall or anything, so I fooled around and tried to snake to reduce my true speed forward after a rocket start, but without hitting the wall. If things are different in Grand Prix, I will take a look there.
The list of five numbers in my current script show, after messing about, that the Wind Walker CPU reaches the same lap segment after the same number of frames, after a few random actions on my part.
This "good hit" was apparently frame perfect to get. One too many or one too few frames of my leftward strafing did not get anywhere close to the 446. I may want to study the collision radius for a bit and see what I come up with. Is this the effect we want, or am I looking somewhere else?

#39613258382101835 - GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - Jump duration and basic ghost record.

Uploaded 6/10/2017 11:26 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
You know, since I have a nifty radar display, I figured it wouldn't hurt to record player positions. Also, added one more number right below the durability and lap progress numbers. All the fanciness of height and vertical velocity, and it really boils down to one number: How much longer until you land. Mind, I only report the longest possible time left, when holding down the whole time.
As I haven't figured out code for detecting user input while paused (I will refuse a solution requiring an active loop), you need to hold the key and advance a frame to toggle record mode. For now, I have it keyed to M, but of course change it as needed.

#39588206189133248 - GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - Slightly better detection.

Uploaded 6/9/2017 8:21 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Well, I pick different numbers for that list of five numbers on the right side of the radars. Now it specifies that lap segment thing, so you can tell if something suddenly appeared ahead. It also changes the colors used for the background of those numbers in case it's a mine.
Other thoughts include calculating jump time, but that's for later.

#39484842602326983 - GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - Nifty grid lines! (lua)

Uploaded 6/5/2017 4:38 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Complicating my script some. I hope my organization works out.
Left side, static display:
  • Top of display is north
  • Green line for momentum, purple line for facing
  • Crosshairs for where machines are located
  • Grid line underlay!
Right side, rotating display:
  • Top of display toward player facing
  • Green line for momentum, small grey cross for north
  • Crosshairs for where machines are located
Didn't want to work out rotating grid lines. At least, not yet. I've aligned the grid lines with what I suspect to be how the game tiles things.
And it has a few other things, I suppose. Some stats on the right are seen, some basic thing with machine data or something.

#39461909507580773 - GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - LuaHawk display tryout

Uploaded 6/4/2017 3:51 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Facing and momentum compass on the lower left.
Rival radar on the lower right.
Various RAM Watch alternatives and minor calculations in various places on the screen.
This is a start. Not sure how helpful the visuals are, but the visuals should hopefully give a decent idea. I use hexadecimal in a lot of places, considering how many important things are apparently nicely divisible by 256, but if those aren't liked, look through the various string.format scattered about and change that X to a d. Or ask me to do that for you and re-upload, I suppose.
I have a soft spot for hexadecimal. Easier for me to remember 0000, 4000, 8000, and C000 for the compass points rather than 0, 16384, 32768, and 49152. So clean.
Anyway, hopefully this script is a nice enough starting point. Some things from an older VBA script was used.
Before I forget, the rival radar has a minor glitch. Namely, I restrict the viewing area to a square, and then rotate it. Whoops, the rotation spins my square around. I really should rotate, then trim to within the square...

#39440484371489519 - Zook Man ZX4 - Stage 3, mostly free form to miniboss.

In 10:56.17 (39192 frames), 7923 rerecords
Game: Zook Man ZX4 ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 6/3/2017 4:41 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
f37087 *** STAGE 3 ***
f37603 Segment 0:516 (T3:519)
f38278 Segment 1:675 (T4:718)
f39007 Segment 2:729 (T7:732)
f39126 Segment 3:119 (T7:106 . T4: 89)
f39187 Segment 4: 61 (T7: 61)
That first flame charge Team 3 did wasn't ideal, so I dashed straight off rather than jump and made sure I landed on that platform ahead properly. Segment 0 was otherwise copied straight over. Ran free form on the remaining segments. Segment 1 is pretty fast when absorbing 6 hits thanks to barrier.
My free form had results in Segment 2, apparently. However, my Segment 3 is worse than any team out there. I clearly need to check on a few things I might need to do differently.
I'm not certain Stage 3 is the ideal next spot, but I did get here losing zero frames to animation frame rule. Team 3 got here after exiting Stage 2, and I needed to do adjustments to sync their Segment 0, as they lost 3 frames to this very frame rule (my SegmentCounter script does not count frame-ruled starts against any team, so these 3 frames are not reported; the 3 difference it is reporting was from that first flame charge).

#39409725836870129 - Zook Man ZX4 - Stage 4 clear, stage select in 36764 frames.

In 10:15.55 (36766 frames), 6890 rerecords
Game: Zook Man ZX4 ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 6/1/2017 7:27 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
f30081 *** STAGE 4 ***
f30313 Segment 0: 232
f32042 Segment 1:1729 (T4:1741)
f32287 Segment 2: 245 (T4: 245)
f32436 Segment 3: 149 (T3: 155 . T4:152)
f32625 Segment 4: 189 (T3: 190)
f32948 Segment 5: 323 (T4: 325)
f33894 Segment 6: 946 (T5: 949 . T4: 958)
f33990 Segment 7:_ 96 (T7:_ 87 . T4:_ 96)
f34129 Segment 8: 139 (T3: 128 . T4: 140)
f34375 Segment 9: 246 (T4: 246)
f35880 Segment10:1505
=== END OF STAGE 4 (Frames: 5799) === (T4: 5845)
At last, this stage is decidedly improved! Not sure about that moment with Team 7 and Segment 7, though. And Team 3 with Segment 8. But we have a Stage 4 clear that's 46 frames faster than Team 4.
Anyway, here it is.

#39397963585103415 - Zook Man ZX4 - Stage 4, still poking about here.

In 10:15.60 (36768 frames), 6706 rerecords
Game: Zook Man ZX4 ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 6/1/2017 6:44 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Run out of flame ammo, fall, die. I don't think that was part of the plan.
So I was looking at how Team 5 did things, since they are several frames ahead of the leading teams in this latest segment I die in. Yes, it does appear that throwing Flame Charges in an area that looks ideal for just straight dashing is indeed faster by a few frames. Probably because I'd otherwise have to wait until I land before I dash, and also that a ground dash requires a few frames of us holding still and lasts 40 frames, while there's plenty of time here to get a Flame Charge up and ready.
Item drops went up in importance here. I suppose someone should start searching for convenient items.

#39370256700693731 - Zook Man ZX4 - Stage 4, more miniboss stuff

In 10:15.80 (36781 frames), 6036 rerecords
Game: Zook Man ZX4 ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 5/31/2017 12:47 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
f30081 *** STAGE 4 ***
f30313 Segment 0: 232
f32042 Segment 1:1729
f32287 Segment 2: 245
f32436 Segment 3: 149
f32625 Segment 4: 189
Team 4: Miniboss strat
Team 3: Landed on save platform
Team 4: Ladder headbonk
Team 3: Avoid damage during Ghost fall
Team 4: Leftward position after Ghost Fall
Interweaving the best of teams one right after another. A frame was spent before the ladder due to even-odd parity of X position, as 208 got me hit and couldn't go further right, but 209 was safe, and I get there from 207. While falling, if I'm on even numbers, I can't switch to odd numbers as movement goes in blocks of 2.
Lag on the flame charge at the end of this Ghost Fall. Naturally, I'm not liking this lag. Somehow one frame shorter than Team 3 on the Ghost Fall segment, probably due to the fall cycle. While falling, the player's air time counter oscillates between 34 to 42. One of these frames has 0 Y speed. Probably the cycle was different from Team 3 from the ladder headbonk.
Finding it tough to find time, largely due to life stuff.
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