User File #638420079399910632

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#638420079399910632 - Dragon Warrior III GBC - RAM watch values for the battle counteron maps and some active character stats

Dragon Warrior III (USA).wch
Uploaded 1/28/2024 3:05 AM by Darkman425 (see all 49)
NOTE: This is for the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Warrior III only!
This isn't a super fancy RAM watch file as it doesn't have any specific RNG addresses. I don't know how I'd find them but changing inputs and/or delaying inputs works decently enough for figuring this stuff out. An important part for each active character slot is the partial values for stats. Due to an added check to the international versions of the game, these partial values are checked for the Pachisi bug. The important ones are what I assume to be the STR and AGI partial values as those are involved with triggering the level up bug part of the of Pachisi bug.
SystemID GB
0C61	b	u	0	WRAM	Encounter counter
0	S	_	1		Hero stats - slot 1
0578	w	u	0	WRAM	S1 current HP
057A	w	u	0	WRAM	S1 max HP
0562	w	u	0	WRAM	S1 EXP low
0565	b	h	0	WRAM	S1 Sub 1 - need high
0566	b	u	0	WRAM	S1 STR
0567	b	h	0	WRAM	S1 Sub 2 - need low
0568	b	u	0	WRAM	S1 AGI
056A	b	u	0	WRAM	S1 VIT
056C	b	u	0	WRAM	S1 INT
056E	b	u	0	WRAM	S1 LUCK
0	S	_	1		Slot 2
05AA	w	u	0	WRAM	S2 EXP low
05AD	b	h	0	WRAM	S2 Sub 1 - need high
05AE	b	u	0	WRAM	S2 STR
05AF	b	h	0	WRAM	S2 Sub 2 - need low
05B0	b	u	0	WRAM	S2 AGI
05B2	b	u	0	WRAM	S2 VIT
05B4	b	u	0	WRAM	S2 INT
05B6	b	u	0	WRAM	S2 LUCK
0	S	_	1		Slot 3
05F2	w	u	0	WRAM	S3 EXP low
05F5	b	h	0	WRAM	S3 Sub 1 - need high
05F6	b	u	0	WRAM	S3 STR
05F7	b	h	0	WRAM	S3 Sub 2 - need low
05F8	b	u	0	WRAM	S3 AGI
05FA	b	u	0	WRAM	S3 VIT
05FC	b	u	0	WRAM	S3 INT
05FE	b	u	0	WRAM	S3 LUCK
0	S	_	1		Slot 4
063A	w	u	0	WRAM	S4 EXP low
063D	b	h	0	WRAM	S4 Sub 1 - need high
063E	b	u	0	WRAM	S4 STR
063F	b	h	0	WRAM	S4 Sub 2 - need low
0640	b	u	0	WRAM	S4 AGI
0642	b	u	0	WRAM	S4 VIT
0644	b	u	0	WRAM	S4 INT
0646	b	u	0	WRAM	S4 LUCK
0	S	_	1