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Last Updated by feos on 4/23/2023 8:47 AM
This page documents guidelines and responsibilities of the administrative user [roles].  For a listing of specific permissions, see [Permissions].


! Behavior

No one has more influence on the perception of the site and the community than the Site Admin. Therefore, how you conduct yourself is of upmost priority. Set standards and ensure people follow. Site Admins must ensure they and the rest of the staff are adhering to appropriate [Staff/Conduct|Staff Conduct].  In addition, show leadership and inspire the community. (See [Staff/SoftSkills]).

! Duties

It is expected that users holding the Site Admin role be active participants in the site (active does not necessitate a large time commitment). 

They should be reliable especially when needed for duties available only to their roles.  In addition, Site Admin's need to drive site policy and decisions.  Note that this does not mean to make the decisions unilaterally.  Where appropriate, the staff and community need to be involved.

! Delegation

We win as a team. The success of Tool-assisted Speedrunning and the site and it's community have been based on communal effort. As a site admin, the most important goal is to find enthusiastic and capable users to delegate various site activities to.  As a site admin, it is expected that roles get defined and redefined as needed to adapt to the changing site needs.  Users should be considered for filling these positions, and trained if needed. It is also important that these staff members work together as a team and collaborate and support one another.

If it can be delegated, consider delegating it, and only doing the work if delegation fails.

! Policies

Don't try to invent perfect policies. It's impossible to predict the future exactly and to account for it in advance. Instead just be ready to revisit any approach that gets questioned by the community. Gradual steady improvement is the only way to ensure policies keep __making sense__. And in order to make sense they should feel natural and be easily explainable.

Don't be afraid of the policies not working in the future, just treat it as a game where you have to adapt to evolving reality, which makes you evolve together with it.

! Patience

People are different, and we want all the different people to be interested in doing cool things for the site. To succeed in inspiring people, a site admin needs to have patience with them while trying to help them. It's even good to learn being ''overly'' patient, so that one is able to reduce patience if there are complaints, adjusting it to the desired level to do things just right.

Patience doesn't give people who are wrong reasons to spread rumors about staff acting unfairly, because patience encourages staff to avoid misunderstanding, and an admin needs to be an example of this. That way, regular users will always look up to staff, and staff will always look up to admins.

! Creativity

Seek wisdom in the unobvious, while also keeping in mind that obvious things often drive people. If you remain too obvious and predictable, you won't be able to resolve historic site challenges. But if you are too unique, other people won't understand you.

Try to see unobvious negative implications of good things, if done wrong. Try to see unobvious reasons of bad things. Resolving current and potential problems is what creates room for life and creativity. And appreciating creativity creates room for revolutionary improvements.