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Last Updated by feos on 7/25/2015 2:13 PM
{{fmv}} is the movie capture format of [EmulatorResources/Famtasia], a NES emulator.

!! FMV file format description

FMV file consists of a 144-byte header and the frame data.

Header format:
   000 4-byte signature: 46 4D 56 1A "FMV\x1A"
   004 1-byte flags:
            bit 7: 0=reset-based, 1=savestate-based
            other bits: unknown, set to 0
   005 1-byte flags:
            bit 5: is a {{[FDS]}} recording
            bit 6: uses controller 2
            bit 7: uses controller 1
            other bits: unknown, set to 0
   006 4-byte little-endian unsigned int: unknown, set to 00000000
   00A 4-byte little-endian unsigned int: rerecord count minus 1
   00E 2-byte little-endian unsigned int: unknown, set to 0000
   010 64-byte zero-terminated emulator identifier string
   050 64-byte zero-terminated movie title string
   090 frame data begins here

Each frame consists of 1 or more bytes.
Controller 1 takes 1 byte,
controller 2 takes 1 byte,
and the FDS data takes 1 byte.
If all three exist, the frame is 3 bytes.
For example, if the movie is a regular NES game with only controller 1 data, a frame is 1 byte.

The file has no terminator byte or frame count.
The number of frames is the <filesize minus 144>
divided by <number of bytes per frame>.

The rerecord count stored in the file is the number of times a savestate
was loaded. If a savestate was never loaded, the number is 0.
Famtasia however displays "1" in such case.
It always adds 1 to the number found in the file.

The file format has no means of identifying NTSC/PAL. It is always assumed that the game is NTSC - that is, 60 fps.

The bit values in hex for the buttons are as follows.

 01 Right
 02 Left
 04 Up
 08 Down
 10 B
 20 A
 40 Select
 80 Start

See also: [EmulatorResources], [FAQ|frequently asked questions]