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Last Updated by Noxxa on 3/15/2023 12:51 PM


!!! Game Description

NES-Pack is a game for the Nintendo Entertainment System created in March 2016 by Wout van Poppel ([user:Noxxa]), a former staff member at TASVideos. The game is quite similar to the otherwise unique 1993 classic DOS-game [GameResources/DOS/Jetpack|Jetpack].

The objective in NES-Pack is to navigate several maze-like levels collecting all the gems that appear in each, and then heading to the completion point. The player can collect power-ups in the form of fuel which grants our hero the ability to fly and also move faster. Hindering the player are gaps and obstacles that need to be jumped or flown over, barriers that can appear or disappear, and enemies that are also capable of flight themselves.

NES-Pack is quite easy to learn, but requires practice to play well. The levels combine aspects of mazes and classic platformers, requiring users to plan routes, conserve fuel, and navigate each level around enemies and other obstacles. Beginners can usually figure out how to complete the harder levels in a couple of minutes, but true masters are generally able to beat each level in under 20 seconds. The game keeps track of best times in each level as well as cumulative time, so players can keep track of how well they honed their abilities and compete with their friends.

After the demo version did not make the cut for SGDQ 2016 the game lay dormant for many years. Seven years later, in March 2023, the game got an updated demo release, implementing assets that were made in 2016 but never made it to release.

!!! Free Download of NES-Pack

!! Latest version:

! v0.4

[|NES-Pack v0.4] (2023-03-15)
* Added five previously-unused levels (bringing the total level amount to 13)
* Replaced stock music with a new music track (made by [user:Masterjun] in 2016)
* Added per-level tilesets, palettes, and other graphical enhancements
* Changed version numbering to more accurately represent its demo status
* Updated credits

!! Previous releases

---NES-Pack Demo v1.2 for SGDQ (2016-03-13)--- - no longer available
* Mapper changed to MMC1. Fixes a save bug in QuickNES. Timing and sync are unchanged from v1.1.
---NES-Pack Demo v1.1 for SGDQ (2016-03-12)--- - no longer available
* First released demo.

!!! Records

!! Unassisted Record table

! NES-Pack Demo v1.2

|01 - FIRST STEPS | 0:02.08 | Masterjun |
|02 - ROCKET ZONE | 0:06.30 | Masterjun |
|03 - STAR CATCH  | 0:03.30 | Masterjun |
|04 - ONEWAY ROAD | 0:07.67 | Masterjun |
|05 - UP GOER     | 0:07.42 | Masterjun |
|06 - SWITCH WALL | 0:06.70 | Masterjun |
|07 - COLLECTOR   | 0:11.32 | Masterjun |
|08 - KITCHENSINK | 0:08.85 | Masterjun |
|Full game run    | 0:59.27 | Masterjun [#1] |

[1] [|YouTube encode] by Masterjun

!! TAS Record table

! NES-Pack Demo v1.2

|01 - FIRST STEPS | 0:01.95 | Multiple TASers [#2] |
|02 - ROCKET ZONE | 0:04.08 | TASeditor [#2] |
|03 - STAR CATCH  | 0:03.22 | TASeditor [#2] |
|04 - ONEWAY ROAD | 0:06.52 | TASeditor [#2]|
|05 - UP GOER     | 0:04.20 | TASeditor [#2]|
|06 - SWITCH WALL | 0:05.92 | TASeditor [#2]|
|07 - COLLECTOR   | 0:08.65 | TASeditor [#2]|
|08 - KITCHENSINK | 0:08.08 | TASeditor [#2]|
|Full game run    | 0:42.62 | TASeditor [#2]|

[2] [=userfiles/info/29537948410753965|.fm2] by TASeditor %%%
[3] [=userfiles/info/29526405753073715|.fm2] by Baddap1 %%%

!!! Levels (Demo v1.2)

%%TAB 05 - UP GOER

!!! Memory Data

[=userfiles/info/29509171883995570|RAM Watch file by TASeditor]

[UserFiles/Info/637937904579404507|Ram Watch file generated from legacy ram address system]