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Revision (current)
Last Updated by Scumtron on 11/1/2021 10:07 PM
-- q, w, i, a keys while unpaused or frame-advancing toggles stuff
-- for FCEUX 2.2.3 or newer

local rb = memory.readbyte
local rw = memory.readword
local wb = memory.writebyte
local rs = memory.readbytesigned
local prb = ppu.readbyte
local reg = memory.getregister
local setr = memory.setregister
local memreg = memory.register
local memexec = memory.registerexec
local band =
local shift = bit.rshift
local BIT = BIT
local hex = bit.tohex
local sf = string.format
local txt = gui.text
local pix = gui.pixel
local box =
local line = gui.line

local f, g = "gray", 0x00000070
local lv, move, pk, kp = 0x30, "", {}, {}
local qtog, atog, wtog, itog = false, false, true, true
local substage = "abc  abc  abcde abcabc abcabc abc  abcdeabcde   "
--local xPlot, yPlot = {}, {}
local fstr1 = "%02d\n%s\n\n%02X\n%s\n%02X\n\n%02X\n%02X\n%s"
local fstr2 = " %02X%02X %02X%02X % .2f  %s\n %02X%02X %02X%02X % .2f\n%05X"
local qfstr = "%02X:%02X|\n%02X.%02X|\n%02X.%02X|\n%02X.%02X|\n%02X.%02X|"

local function Spawns()
  local function PrintSpawns(blks,pntr,lvl)

    local count = rb(0xC9)
    local blocks, spawns = "",""

    for i = 0, count do
      local eOff = rb(pntr+i)
      blocks = blocks..sf(" %02X", rb(blks+i))
      spawns = spawns..sf(" %02X", rb(0xE56D+eOff))
    local stagenum = sf("%02X\t",lvl)..prb(0x2356).."-"..

  local function PrintOrbs(lvl)
    local count = rb(0xB9)-1
    local bPntr = rw(0xBA)
    local oPntr = rw(0xBC)
    local right = rb(0x92)==0
    local blocks, spawns = "",""

    for i = 0, count do
      local blk = rb(bPntr+i)
      if right then blk = blk-0x10 end
      blocks = blocks..sf(" %02X", blk)
      spawns = spawns..sf(" %02X", band(rb(oPntr+i),0xF))
    print(sf("%02X\r\nB: ",lvl)..blocks.."\r\nO: "..spawns.."\r\n")

  local spawnBlks  = rw(0xC3)
  local spawnPntr  = rw(0xC7)
  local offset     = rb(0xCA)
  local spawn      = rb(spawnBlks+offset)
  local spwnBlk    = rb(0x40)
  local nextSpawn  = sf("%02X",rb(0xE56D+rb(spawnPntr+offset)))
  local R, L = "R ", "L "
  if (spwnBlk   == spawn) then R = R..nextSpawn end
  if (spwnBlk+1 == spawn) then L = L..nextSpawn end

  if f == "white" then
    local level = rb(0x7E)
    if (lv ~= level) then PrintSpawns(spawnBlks,spawnPntr,level) end
    -- if (lv ~= level) then PrintOrbs(level) end
    lv = level

local function ViewBGh()
  local x, y = 37, 67
  local function pr(a) if a==0 then return end txt(x,y,hex(a,-1),f,g) end
  for c = 0, 0xE1, 0xF do
    for r = 0, 0xE do
      local tile = rb(0x300+c+r)
      x = x+6
      x, y = x-6, y+8
    x, y = x+12, 67

local function NG2RAMview()
  if not itog then return end
  local xPos_f   = rb(0x538)
  local xPos     = rb(0x550)
  local xSpd_f   = rb(0x598)
  local xSpd     = rs(0x5B0)
  local yPos_f   = rb(0x568)
  local yPos     = rb(0x580)
  local ySpd_f   = rb(0x5C8)
  local ySpd     = rs(0x5E0)
  local action   = rb(0x4A8)
  local bgColl   = rb(0x4C0)
  local screen_f = rb(0x39)
  local screen_p = rb(0x3A)
  local screen   = rb(0x3B)*0x10000
  local inv      = rb(0x68)
  local bossHP   = rb(0x4D) > 0 and sf("%02d",rb(0x60F)) or ""
  local windT    = rb(0x42)
  local windC    = rb(0x66)
  local atks     = band(rb(0x49),7)
  atks = atks > 0 and tobitstring(atks):sub(7,9) or ""

  if atog then ViewBGh() end

  local face = band(rb(0x4F0),0x40) > 0 and "L" or "R"

  local ecks = screen + screen_p*0x100 + screen_f
  local xv, yv = xSpd+(xSpd_f/256), ySpd+(ySpd_f/256)

  move, f = "!!", 0xff7f00ff
  --for i=1,#xPlot do pix(xPlot[i],yPlot[i],"red") end

local function Objects()
  if not wtog then return end
  local tX, tY, back, etxt = 210, 0, 0x000000c0, "green"
  local oddcount, crouch, slash = rb(0xC1)%2==1, band(rb(0x520),2) > 0, rb(0x4A8)
  slash = (slash >= 0x1D and slash <= 0x1F)
  local eBox = (oddcount or slash) and 0xffffff3f or 0xff000070

  local sx, sy, sd = {}, {}, {}
  for s=0,2 do
    sx[s] = rb(0x550+s)
    sy[s] = rb(0x580+s)
    sd[s] = band(rb(0x4F0+s),0x40) > 0

  local active = rw(0x49)*0x100 + rb(0x48)

  local function Swords(xpos,ypos,xrad,yrad,color,orb)
  -- Attempts to show when a slash would be in range of something
  -- (B-press on framecount-2 for jump slash, on framecount-4 for standing slash)
  -- may show some false positives for bottom of item orbs
    for s=2,0,-1 do
      local x, y = sx[s], orb and sy[s] or sy[s]-3
      local sxrad, inrange = 0x20

      if sd[s] then
        local xleft = orb and sxrad or 0x22
        sxrad = -sxrad
        inrange = (band(x-(xpos+xrad), 0xFF) < xleft)
        inrange = (band(xpos-xrad - x, 0xFF) < sxrad)

      if inrange then
        if (y < ypos) then
          inrange = (ypos-yrad < y)
          inrange = (ypos+yrad >=y)

      if inrange then line(x,y,x+sxrad,y,color) end

  -- Enemies
  for i = 0x17, 0x0B, -1 do
    local eID    = rb(0x4D8+i)
    local eXpos  = rb(0x550+i)
    local eYpos  = rb(0x580+i)
    local a = band(active, BIT(i)) > 0

    if (a and (eID ~= 0xAF and eID ~= 0x05)) then
      local eBGc   = rb(0x4C0+i)
      local eTimer = rb(0x508+i)
      local eXrad  = rb(0x610+i)
      local eYrad  = rb(0x628+i)
      local eMisc  = rb(0x640+i)
      local notProj = band(rb(0x520+i),0x10)==0


      if eTimer > 0 then
        txt(eXpos,eYpos+1,sf("%02X",eTimer),etxt,0) end
      if (eBGc > 0 and notProj) then
        txt(eXpos+15,eYpos+1,sf("%02X",eBGc),etxt,0) end
      --if (eID=='45')then xPlot[#xPlot+1],yPlot[#yPlot+1]=eXpos,eYpos end

    if qtog then
      local front = a and 0xaaeeaaff or 0xff9f8fff
      local einfo = qfstr:format(i, eID,
            eXpos, rb(0x538+i),rb(0x5B0+i), rb(0x598+i),
            eYpos, rb(0x568+i), rb(0x5E0+i), rb(0x5C8+i))
      txt(tX, tY, einfo, front, back)
      if (i == 0x10) then tX, tY, back = 210, 200, 0x00000040 end

  -- Weapons
  local size, wBox = rb(0xC0), (not oddcount or slash) and 0xffffff5f or 0x00ff005f
  for i = 0xA, 0x8, -1 do
    local a = band(active, BIT(i)) > 0
    if a then
      local x = rb(0x550+i)
      local y = rb(0x580+i)

  -- Orbs
  local xrad, yrad, oBox = 0, 0xC, 0xffffff5f
  for i = 0x7, 0x4, -1 do
    local a = band(active, BIT(i)) > 0
    local orbf = band(rb(0x4F0+i),4)==0
    if (a and orbf) then
      local orbS = rb(0x520+i)
      local x = rb(0x550+i)
      local y = rb(0x580+i)

      if (orbS <= 0xF) then Swords(x,y,xrad,yrad,oBox,true) end

  -- Clone boxes (keeps something visible when frame-advancing or if sprites are disabled)
  xrad, yrad = 3, 10
  for i = 1, 2 do  box(sx[i]-xrad,sy[i]-yrad,
            sx[i]+xrad,sy[i]+yrad, 0xff00003f,0xff00003f) end

  -- Ryu
  local x, y = sx[0], sy[0]
  xrad, yrad = 0x08, crouch and 0x0C or 0x10

local props = {[0] =
-- U,D,L,R,color
  {0,0,0,0,0},           -- 0, air
  {1,0,0,0,0x00ff00cf},  -- 1, platform
  {1,1,1,1,0x0000ffff},  -- 2, barrier
  {0,0,1,0,0x00ff00ff},  -- 3, right wall
  {0,0,0,1,0x00ff00ff},  -- 4, left wall
  {1,1,1,1,0x00ff00ef},  -- 5, corner
  {1,1,1,1,0xffffffff},  -- 6, exit, next
  {1,1,1,1,0xffffffff},  -- 7, exit, previous
  {1,1,1,1,0xcf002fff},  -- 8, spikes/flames
  {1,1,1,1,0xffff00ff},  -- 9, exit, cutscene
  {1,1,1,1,0xff00ffff},  -- A, unused
  {1,0,0,0,0x00ff00cf},  -- B, ice platform
  {1,1,1,0,0x00ff00cf},  -- C, ice corner, left
  {1,1,0,1,0x00ff00cf},  -- D, ice corner, right
  {1,1,1,1,0x00cf7fff},  -- E, right water
  {1,1,1,1,0x007fcfff}}  -- F, left water

local function Background()
  if not wtog then return end
  local x_off = rb(0xC2)
  local c_off = rb(0x8A)
  local b, base = 15, 0x300

  local function DrawBG(a,x,y)
    local c2 = props[a][5]
    if props[a][1] == 1 then line(x,   y,   x+b, y,   c2) end
    if props[a][2] == 1 then line(x,   y+b, x+b, y+b, c2-0x30) end
    if props[a][3] == 1 then line(x,   y,   x,   y+b, c2) end
    if props[a][4] == 1 then line(x+b, y,   x+b, y+b, c2) end

  for c = 0, 8 do
    local col = (c*0xF+c_off)%0xF0 + base
    local x, y = c*32-x_off, 48
    for row = 0, 11 do
      local tile = rb(col+row)
      local hi = shift(tile,4)
      local lo = band(tile,0xF)
      if hi > 0 then DrawBG(hi,x,y) end
      if lo > 0 then DrawBG(lo,x+16,y) end
      y = y+16

  local xPos, yPos = rb(0x550), rb(0x580)
  local yPlat, yWall, c1 = rb(0x054)+yPos, rb(0x055)+yPos, "magenta"
  local bgX = rb(0x67)*0x100 + rb(0x09)  -- $67 should always be 0 for Ryu

  if (rb(0x5E0) <= 0x7F) then
    pix(xPos+3,yPlat,c1)  -- platform, right
    pix(xPos-5,yPlat,c1)  -- platform, left
  pix(xPos+5,yPos,"blue") -- barrier, right
  pix(xPos+5,yWall,c1)    -- wall, right
  pix(xPos-9,yPos,"blue") -- barrier, left
  pix(xPos-9,yWall,c1)    -- wall, left
  txt(140,41,sf("%02X  %03X",yPos,bgX),"gray",g)

memexec(0x9BEF, function() move="+" end)  -- shadow clone movement
memexec(0xE2DA, function() f="white" end) -- indicates gameplay frames
memexec(0xC2B9, Background)
memexec(0xE285, Objects)
-- uncomment next line to see all points checked for background collision (Ryu, bad guys, falling items)
-- memexec(0x977C, function() pix(reg('x')-rb(0xC2),reg('y'),'yellow');end)

local function Pr(b) return kp[b] and not pk[b] end
while true do
  pk, kp = kp, input.get()
  if Pr('Q') then qtog = not qtog end
  if Pr('A') then atog = not atog end
  if Pr('W') then wtog = not wtog end
  if Pr('I') then itog = not itog end


namelist files for FCEUX. Change debuggerPageSize to 13 in fceux.cfg

{{Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U) }}

$0015#nmi_flag#b7 set at end of NMI routine
$0016#ppu_trans_flag#b7 set when there's stuff at $3F0 to transmit during next NMI, e.g., status bar updates, palette changes
$0026#sound_A000#which bank is used during sound routine: C or D
$0027#nt_mirroring#(0: vertical; 1: horizontal)
$003F#ppu_ctrl_NT_base#bits 0,1 to be OR'd with a value for PPU_CTRL writes
$0041#collision_xdiff#b7 determines damage bounce direction
$0048#active_objects_0#b7-4=orbs; b3=spc.wpn symbol; b2-1=shadow clones; b0=Ryu
$0049#active_objects_1#bits 7-3 = enemies 0x0F-0x0B; bits 2-0 = special weapons
$004A#active_objects_2#enemies 0x17-0x10
$004B#shadows_offset#index into shadow clone arrays @ $100,$140,$180
$004C#ryu_blink_flag#1=no flicker (initial Y reg for ryu/clone/weapon blink loop)
$004D#boss_fight_flag#b4, to allow updates of enemy health bar and DEC level on death vs boss
$004E#multi_pointer_lo#C614=object routines; C16F=wind; D809=dpad input; 04:9810=sub-wpn get, and many more
$005B#pal_ptr_offset_4#status bar
$0069#lvldata_0_lo#I am tired of labeling things.
$0071#obj_bitfield_index#JSR $9E24
$0072#bitmask_index#JSR $9E24
$007E#current_level#lvl data index 1-1a==0x00; 7-5==0x2F
$0083#tile_x_hi#16 pixel position for updating nametable address
$0085#metatile_x_hi#32 pixel position for updating tile address and background collision data
$008E#directional_indicator#-1 = left; 0 = right or not moving
$0099#univ_bg_color_offset#@ 01:BFF0, all black except for 4-1
$009B#stage_numbers#b7=sprites behind BG (for 6-1); b6-3=left digit; b2-0=right digit
$00BC#orb_contents_and_ypos_ptr_lo#lo nybble=contents, hi nybble=ypos
$00BE#player_death_flag#and frame count before restart. b7=pit; b6=damage/timer death
$00BF#debug_invuln_flag#b7=enabled, jumps over pit death and enemy collision checks
$00C1#frame_counter#used to split parts of the program to different frames and to jumble the final boss's spew a bit
$00C2#tile_x_offset#($3A AND 0x1F) for object-bg collision
$00C5#enemy_spawn_positions_ptr_lo#x and y
$00CC#bg_animation_flags#b7=no animation; b2=alt CHR banks (for 7-1,7-2)
$00CE#bg animation timer#
$00D0#boss_dead_tally_flag#b7=tally timer; b6=tally ninpo
$00D2#scroll_get#0x30 after getting scroll from current level, boss kill resets it so dying after killing jaquio1 or jaquio2 allows you to get up to two bonus scrolls for a max maximum of 120 ninpo
$00D8#orb_bits#$D8-$EF reserved, though it will never use more than a few bytes
$00E0#title_fade_count#determines which sound test is used
$01C0#palettes#0x20 bytes
$01E0#metatiles#6 bytes
$03F0#ppu_trans#size,ppuaddr,ppuaddr,data ...
$0460#animation_id#index into data pointers at $ab70, $ac00
$04C0#bg_collision#b7=overlapping wall/just walljumped; b4=platform; b3=L grab; b2=L barrier; b1=R grab; b0=R barrier
$04D8#object_ID#ai pointer index
$04F0#sprite_attr#b7=v-flip; b6=h-flip (face left); b5=priority; b2=don't draw(flicker); b1,b0=palette
$0508#timer#Enemy actions, explosions, power-up time-outs
$050E#score_tally_timer#2 bytes, 61*5
$0520#state#Ryu: b6=in air; b5=walljmp; b4=jump; b3=slow; b2=sword; b1=crouch; b0=spc atk; Enemies: b7=no bgCollision; b6=air; b5=boss; b4=proj.; b1=invulnerable; b0=dead
$0640#multi_purpose#Ryu Ypos @ spawn for bats for later comparison, index to tie projectile back to whatever spawned it, 2nd action timer, etc.
$0700#sound_buffer#sound effect, music track, or command to initiate next nmi
$07E9#sound_suspend_flag#0x2B (pause sound effect) sets, 0x2C unsets


{{Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U) }}

$8000#level_layouts#0x2136 bytes total


{{Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U) }}

$A700#bg_tile_ptrs_lo#to level layout data @ $8000-A135


{{Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U) }}

$80C0#sprite_palettes_3#plus b7 set = no bg animation
$80F0#level_data#b7=left scroller
$8120#more_lvl_data#b7-3 = $18; b2-0 = $34
$8150#lvl_chr_bank_offsets#hi nybble = chr_bank_5 ; lo nybble = chr_bank_4
$8180#lvl_widths#lo=width in screens; hi=universal bg color offset
$81B0#lvl_start_positions#hi nybble = ypos; lo = offset to xpos @ $D262
$8210#bg_animation_data#b7-3=pal change stuff; b2=flag; b1-0=period offset
$8240#lvl_transition_info#b7-2 = restart point after game over ; b1-0 = transition type
$82A0#orb spawn quantity per lvl#
$82D0#enemy spawn quantity per lvl#
$8350#00#GAME OVER
$835D#01#sound test channel visualizer
$83A9#02#title screen attribute table
$83E5#03#title 2
$8443#04#title 3
$84A1#05#title 4
$8505#06#title 5
$853F#07#title 6
$858D#08#TECMO PRESENTS 1990
$85F4#0C#sound test and lvl select palettes
$8618#0D#musicruise 1
$8620#0E#musicruise 2
$865A#0F#musicruise 3
$8900#orb_spawn_data#0x29A bytes
$8B9A#enemy_spawn_data#referenced by pointers stored at $C3-$C8; 0x5FD bytes
$91A0#Object: face_Ryu#
$91B6#Object: approach_Ryu#
$91CF#Object: proximity_check#
$91E2#Object: find_free_slot#
$920E#Object: x_reverse#
$9220#Object: y_reverse#
$9232#Object: set_hitbox#
$9258#Object: x_movement#
$9267#Object: y_movement#
$9293#Object: animate#
$93F4#Collision: pick_ups & ground#
$97BB#Collision: pick_ups & Ryu#
$994E#Collision: orbs & attacks#
$9A2C#replace scroll with blue ninpo if already taken from this level#
$9A7C#Ryu: special attack#
$9BE1#Ryu: shadow stuff#
$9C37#branch here if stationary#
$9C60#Shadow: animate attack#
$9CAB#Shadow: animate#
$9CC0#Shadow: animate1#
$9CEB#Shadow: set pos and state#
$9D16#Object: remove#
$9F30#Spawn: orbs#


{{Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U) }}

$A000#CutScene_code#0x1134 bytes
$B134#CS_data#0xA7A bytes


{{Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U) }}

$C022#Ryu: environment#and such
$C069#touching ice|water#
$C07C#not crouching|slashing#
$C1DB#ice: standing#
$C201#ice: right#
$C205#ice: left#
$C2A7#Ryu: BG_collision#
$C3F6#Object: aim#
$C49B#Object: BG collision#
$C535#Object: set_vertical_movement#
$C544#Object: variant_spawn#
$C54E#Object: fix_projectile_to_owner#
$C558#Object: clear_speed#
$C56F#Spawn: enemies#
$C5A6#check_bits#make sure this spawn isn't already on screen
$C5C0#spawn_it!#write basic stats and position, ID for enemy-specific routines, where it came from
$C614#Object: id_specified_routine#
$C639#Miscellany#invulnerability, player death, end-stage score tally, lvl timer, lvl exits, spawn block
$C739#get_block#divide level into 16 pixel "blocks" for spawn checks
$CA02#Collision: enemies#and fire and spikes
$CA15#odd: spikes&enemies#
$CA2C#ryu|clone active#
$CA4A#and an enemy is active#
$CA53#and not dead#
$CA5C#and ryu is facing right#
$CA6F#and ryu is facing left#
$CA84#and ryu is close enough on the x axis#
$CAAB#and ryu is close enough on the y axis#
$CAB0#-#first shadow to score a (non-boss) hit skips things on to Ryu, but leaves the temp X reg ($9) alone so double-kills can only happen if Ryu is hitting something lower on the list
$CABE#it's dead#
$CAD1#but it's still alive#
$CADD#damage_knockback#for non-boss enemies with health > 1
$CAE9#even: weapons#
$CBD6#Spike_collision#and fire
$CD36#debug_lvl_select#Disabled code: [20 37 DC]
$CD4B#Start_new_stage#or restart after death
$CE4F#bulk_ppu_trans_offsets#for score, lives, max ninpo, ninpo at stage start
$D1F2#set sprite priority for 6-1#
$D41E#Object: move#(excludes Ryu, clones, equipped weapon symbol)
$D7A1#Ryu: movement, input, BG collision#
$D7AD#in air, accelerate#
$D7BE#move#branch here if surface contact or at fall speed cap
$D7E9#clear wall-cling bits if dead#
$D7FA#RTS if bouncing off enemy (no control)#
$D88B#no direction or any opposing directions#
$DA63#Ryu: scrolling#
$DF43#musicruise_data#DF43-E23E, 0x2FC bytes


{{Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (U) }}

$E2E4#disabled_debug_inv#Disabled code was [A5 BF 49 80 85 BF]  (press select while paused to toggle)
$E59C#Grunt_spawn#0x10, 0x7E
$E672#Bird_spawn#0x16, 0x7C (large bat)
$E7E9#blob0#0x24 --two kinds of blobs: spitters and flippers, both with left/right facing spawn variants
$EA21#Crawler_action#0x47 includes ground spider, red larvae
$EA31#WallSpider, spawn#0x48
$EA3F#WallSpider, repeat#0x4E
$EA4A#WallSpider, waiting#0x49
$EA5C#WallSpider, shooting#0x4A
$EA7E#WallSpider, drop#0x4B
$EA91#WallSpider, falling, seek ground#0x4C
$EA98#_#this bit probably wouldn't be reachable without the "bullet transfer" bug since all (three) wall spiders spawn over pits
$EAB2#WallSpider, on ground, seek wall/ryu#0x4D
$EABE#Bomberhead clone1#0x35
$EAD6#Bomberhead clone2#0x36
$EAE5#Bomberhead clone3#0x37
$EB0E#Bomberhead clone4#0x38
$EB31#Bomberhead clone5#0x39
$EC14#PumpkinHead, init#0x5B
$EC1D#PumpkinHead, repeat#0x5C
$EC3C#PumpkinHead, walk&wait#0x5D
$EC5B#PumpkinHead, spit loop#0x6F
$EC65#PumpkinHead, spitting#0x70
$EC92#PumpkinHead projectile#0x5E
$ECCC#Malth clone, init#0x5F
$ECF4#Malth, wait#0x60
$ED14#Malth, throw#0x61
$ED39#Malth, delay#0x62
$ED44#Malthballs, init#0x63
$ED7C#Malthballs, moving#0x64
$EDC1#Explode_o_ball_1#0x66 --rising
$EDD5#Explode_o_ball_2#0x67 --falling
$EDE4#Explode_o_ball_3#0x68 --exploding
$EE42#Basaquer clone0#0x6A
$EE55#Basaquer clone4#0x31
$EE65#Basaquer clone1#0x6B
$EE8C#Basaquer clone2#0x6C
$EEAF#Basaquer clone3#0x6D --falling
$EEBC#Basaquer projectile#0x6E
$EFF2#alt sineBat spawn#0x7B
$EFF7#alt bird spawn (bigBat)#0x7C
$EFFC#alt sprinter spawn#0x7D
$F001#alt grunt spawn#0x7E
$F006#alt hopEye spawn a#0x7F
$F00B#alt crawler spawn (red larvae)#0x80
$F015#alt hopEye spawn b#0x82
$F01A#alt hopEye spawn c#0x83
$F01F#Dando the Cursed, init#0x78
$F034#Dando the Cursed, repeat#0x87
$F053#Dando the Cursed, creep along#0x84
$F082#Dando the Cursed, rush#0x85
$F0A0#Dando the Cursed, delay#0x86
$F0AB#Dando wall shake#
$F0C9#Baron Spider init#0x88
$F0E8#Baron Spider, repeat#0x8E
$F0F2#Baron Spider, up#0x89
$F108#Baron Spider, flee down#0x93
$F12A#Baron Spider, hopping down#0x8A
$F139#Baron Spider, falling1#0x8B
$F14F#Baron Spider, down#0x90
$F165#Baron Spider, flee up#0x94
$F17E#Baron Spider, falling2#0x91
$F190#Baron Spider, spawn pets#
$F1C2#Baron's spiders init#0x8D
$F1FC#Baron's spiders#0x92 --in air, seek ground
$F20F#Baron's spiders#0x8F --on ground, seek wall
$F240#Funky Dynamite#0x95
$F259#Funky Dynamite, ascend#0xC3
$F275#Funky Dynamite, rising#0x96
$F29C#Funky Dynamite, prepare to shoot#0x99
$F2A7#Funky Dynamite, fly and shoot#0x97
$F303#Funky Dynamite, drop#0x98
$F326#Funky Dynamite, crouch&wait#0x9B
$F33E#Funky Dynamite, launcher#
$F39C#Naga Sotuva, init#0xA2
$F3CA#Naga Sotuva#0x57
$F3DF#Naga Sotuva, spawn hand#0x58
$F42A#Naga Sotuva, hands in#0x59
$F43D#Naga Sotuva, hands out#0x5A
$F445#unused_0x43_bytes#0xAB --wacky ryu-launching effect
$F488#Ashtar, init#0x9D
$F49E#Ashtar, repeat#0xA3
$F4AD#Ashtar, delay1#0x9E
$F4C1#Ashtar, delay2#0x9F
$F4D7#Ashtar, delay3#0xA0
$F4EA#Ashtar, phase in#0xA1
$F50B#Ashtar, teleport&fire#
$F53C#Ashtar's fireballs#0xA4
$F5BD#Kelbeross, init#0xA5
$F613#Kelbeross, slumber#0x51
$F630#Kelbeross, awake#0x52
$F670#Kelbeross, delay#0x53
$F67B#Kelbeross, spitting#0x54
$F699#Kelbeross, hop#0x55
$F6F1#Jaquio I, init#0xA7
$F710#Jaquio I, repeat#0xA8
$F71F#Jaquio I, shot delay#0xA9
$F73B#Jaquio I, flame on#0xAA
$F766#Jaquio I, move#
$F7EA#Jaquio II, init#0xB0
$F81D#Jaquio II, dostuff#0xB2
$F84B#Jaquio II, ceiling drips init#0xB5
$F87C#drip x positions#
$F884#drip y positions#
$F88C#Ceiling drips, wait and drip#0xB6
$F8AE#Jaquio II, spit#0xB4
$F8EA#Jaquio III, init#0xB1
$F95A#Jaquio III, head#0x8C
$F976#Jaquio III, head, spit#0xBA
$F9B2#Jaquio III, head dead#0xB3 --clear head & hands, spawn core
$FA11#Jaquio III, core delay#0xBF
$FA28#Jaquio III, spew delay#0xC0
$FA3E#Jaquio III, spew#0xC1
$FA6B#Jaquio III, spew spawn#0xC2
$FAA7#Jaquio III, upper hand, init#0xB7
$FABC#Jaquio III, upper hand, advance#0xBB
$FAD6#Jaquio III, upper hand, retreat#0xBE activate lower hand when done
$FAE9#Jaquio III, lower hand, init#0xB8
$FAFE#Jaquio III, lower hand, advance#0xBC
$FB18#Jaquio III, lower hand, retreat#0xBD activate upper hand when done
$FB2B#Jaquio III, spitballs#0xB9
$FB61#rts#unused 0x9C, 0xA6 would jump here