Posts for Bisqwit

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Fragments? Fragment identifier declarations? Hum, what are those? Maybe you're referring to anchors? Yeah, it doesn't support those. It's on a TODO list, but I haven't yet figured out a nice way to do them. Before I implement them, I would like to be able to make the anchors so that they can actually be kept and be satisfied with. Now it generates those anchor names automatically from the title, but the algorithm for doing that is bad and unsatisfying. Being able to specify them manually would be nice, but I haven't figured out a nice syntax to do it. After that, can it be considered how to refer to the anchors.
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Tub wrote:
I was asked a couple of times today if I wanted to advertise with AdBrite. Only once I saw an actual ad from them, which wasn't well targeted to begin with. Is that supposed to improve over time?
I hope so. If it doesn't, I'll remove it.
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DeHackEd wrote:
The NES is a palette based system. There's only ~64 colours to choose from. The selection varies by emulator
And different opinions exist on which palette is closest to original. I use the one which I feel that it's best I've seen. Obviously AngerFist's opinion differs.
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ZeXr0 wrote:
Also, as you are pretty good with programming bisqwit, you should try to do rotation ads, and maybe sell some space on the website yourself.
What do you mean by rotation ads? As for selling space... I don't want to do that. For one, bandwidth is not really a thing I can compete with, and network storage implies bandwidth. I also want to have control on everything served by my server. A wiki is perfectly fine because I can edit it too without feeling like inconveniencing someone. Also, what are "print"s? Are they a synonym for "impressions"?
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Shakespeare wrote:
Will check that too, thanks. In related news, a new feature has been added. wrote:
people who have donated will be exempt from the advertisements shown on site by a probability directly proportional to the donation sum, such that for example, 8€ removes ads 50% of time, 12€ removes ads 70% of time, 20€ removes ads 100% of time. (Note that this value will be evaluated in Euro. USD donations will be converted according to the donation-time exchange rate. The transfer fees will also be subtracted.)
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Oh, I see. MSIE does not support node.localName. MSIE does not support node.hasAttributeNS. Etc. Etc. Etc. GRRR. Edit: This painfully reminded me how and why I decided a year or two ago that I don't CARE about supporting that BROKEN STUPID IDIOT browser. It always causes the work time to multiply tenth-fold, because it does not support standard features which all other modern browsers support, causing the webdesigner having to write UGLY hacks which utterly DESTROY the beauty and maintainability of the code. I fixed the immediate error that prevented MSIE from loading the javascript in the first place (and Opera, because it mimicked MSIE's parsing method), but as for the actual functionality. USE A BETTER BROWSER. Opera works now too. Sorry for this outbreak. I am angry at that browser and by extension its designers, not at its users. (Edit 2: It's possible it did work on MSIE when I posted this topic. However, when I added automatical construction of result objects from the SOAP response, instead of manually searching for the relevant tags on case-by-case basis, MSIE was no longer able to follow the code.)
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Hmm, preview still works for me. (Firefox) Yes, I changed it, but it shouldn't have caused external changes... dk64_master: Thanks, will investigate it. BagOfMagicFood: No, the changes had nothing to do with forums. tmont,xkeeper: Probably related to the problem dk64_master (notice proper capitalization) informed us about.
Post subject: Re: 9:41,blue shadow,I have improved it 22second
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西坡 wrote:
I am "xipo".I like tasvideos.
Welcome, thank you for the feedback, and please read
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0505Signoff: #nesvideos/pdk ("Behold, I changed my quit message") 0506#nesvideos.Bisqwit pdk: In the second image, I'm thinking you should do the upper right red loop clockwise instead of counter-clockwise 0506#nesvideos.NecroVMX pdk left 0507#nesvideos.Bisqwit pdk: i.e. up, right, down, left, down; not right, up, left, down, down 0507#nesvideos.NecroVMX dude, pdk left 0507#nesvideos.Bisqwit NecroV: Oh.
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Baxter wrote:
is a movie using your route which is 84 frames faster.
It looks actually quite nice. Definitely not worse than Snow Bros. Way to go.
Post subject: Site code updated a bit
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I updated the site code a bit again. Most users will not notice a difference, but the page editor now uses AJAX for loading the page preview (a scriptless POST fallback is provided), and the publication engine now also loads the movie categories when selecting a movie to be obsoleted. And, the WSDL file was updated. But even this shouldn't force changes to existing WSDL users.
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Swedishmartin wrote:
That reminds me of the Caterpillar spaceship in Game of Life. Anyone agree?
No, but it's interesting reading anyway.
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pdk wrote:
there are other games on the site that are endless yet have TASes with definite endings (e.g. NES Track and Field) and others that seem very repetitive when watched (NES Karate Kid), you sure?
Is this an attempt of use the fallacy "because you made mistake A, you should also make mistake B"?
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Titus Kwok wrote:
is it my imagination, or was the video on the left faster through the first room?
Yes, it used a magnet beam there to be able to jump higher (jumping is a faster way to progress upwards than climbing). The rightside video saved one beam there (sacrificing 49 frames) in order to be able to use it in the next screen. (There's a limited number of the beams after all.)
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Titus Kwok wrote:
well, we can just assume that it takes a lot of rerecords to find the quickest way to do something, and not quite so many to refine it.
Refinement is part of finding the quickest way. It takes a lot of rerecords. Repeating what's already found previously, does not take many rerecords.
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Left: current movie Right: a technique demonstration (2 MB) This strategy was apparently demonstrated by Finalfighter in October 2005. ____________ (With apologies to Vg Cats)
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I would prefer to keep the number of forums minimal that still is functional, so as not to make the forum forum front page more complex than it already is.
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Twelvepack wrote:
because they have a product thats almost exactly like firefox, but it works on many sites where firefox doesnt? They should be commended for creating a better product.
It is my belief that almost always, when a site works on IE but not on Firefox, it is because the site has been designed primarily for IE users. Often, this means starting off the site design using standard, browser-independent coding, but in the end, using hacky tricks to overcome bugs and shortcomings in IE just to make it render right, which at the same time sacrifice compatibility with other browsers. Sometimes, Opera gets it right because one of Opera's design priorities is to be combatible with IE-only site designs. Firefox does not particularly aim for that goal. I really wouldn't commend IE for displaying "correctly" such sites, because IE is at fault for those sites being broken to begin with. (Note: I have not used IE7; I'm only commenting on my experience on IE6, and from my experience as a web programmer/designer)
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Your mention of Samus being incapable of turning her head in battle reminds me of this article about Batman. -- guess who can't turn his head.
Post subject: Re: Whoops (479)
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Xkeeper wrote:
Whatever you do, don't try putting them in the game. That would be bad.
I trust your judgement and will try that some other time.
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Rats! Oh well. Here comes. Highlight to view. "Please enter ROM name" "Speed Rating: " "Entertainment Rating: " "Your movie will be dealt with swiftly by the Russian Rejector." "Lots of people from SpeedDemosArchive will be pissed." "Your movie will be encoded by Maza shortly, and published about six months later." "Congratulations on your future publication!" "Congratulations also on your future obsoletion!" "Your movie will be hastily published, and then someone will steal it and put it on youtube without crediting you! \o/" "Your movie will earn a moon! (Not sure what that means yet!)" "Your movie will earn a green star! (Not sure what that means yet, even less than the moon!)" "Your movie will earn a real star! ... !" "Your movie will earn a juggle trophy!" "Your movie will use a special modification during encoding to make the magnet beams solid!" "megaman", "mega man" -> "OMG MEGA MAN IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION" "rockman", "rock man" -> "OMG ROCK MAN IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION" "Feature to be implemented in a future version" "Error, format not recognized" Now, what will I do with your credits... Edit: Added missing lines
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I have seen two Finnish websites of that same style, Blublu. [EDIT: But without pictures.] For most part, it seems that things posted on such a website (anonymous confessions) definitely should not be read. The reason is that you never can know whether something has been posted seriously or in jest, and the latter kind usually tends to be shocking with very bad taste.
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Xkeeper wrote:
Made by pasting a hundred instances of the word "credit" many thousand times.
Ah, I see. Well, the image resolution is 495*271, which makes 134145 pixels. According to Imagemagick histogram function, it has 106350 black pixels. Indicating a single "credits" word takes definitely more than 1.0635 pixels (and you also need a comparable amount of contrasting pixels in order to read it), hence your picture cannot possibly contain 100000 times the word "credits". I'd say it only contains approximately 20000 times that word, and even most of that is unreadable. Perfectly overlapping words don't count.             
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Xkeeper wrote:
Whatever that is, it fails at being an entertaining stereogram.
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Xkeeper wrote:
I wonder what all the different things it can say are.
I can tell you that, but the information costs about 100000 credits!