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For those who might be interested, this movie has been discussed recently here... (in Japanese) Though it might all just be about BitTorrent problems.
Post subject: Re: Important note about making movies with VBA
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Bisqwit wrote:
I do not recommend anyone starting making VBA movies seriously before the issues with its movie file format and recording stability (*) are correctly addressed.
I believe these points are now addressed. I'm taking off the announcement status of this topic.
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nitsuja wrote:
Also, the code to add the logo seems to completely drop missing frames without adjusting the audio delay time, and it looked like the Mario Land one was missing logo frames (or it could just be my AVI player skipping).
It drops them quietly without adjusting, if the frames are not found on disk, but in these samples, there were no dropped frames. I also encoded it with "-mc 0 -noskip" options so no frames were dropped/duplicated. I used the same settings for both AVIs.
nitsuja wrote:
if you could test this with the -outputAVI flag and see if it also works that way for you, that would help a lot.
I tried -outputAVI. It prompted for a filename, but when I selected an AVI and pressed ok, it ended up not actually producing anything. It ran the game normally (with unlimited speed), but a file was not written. By the way, when I select 1x view scaling at Options | Video | 1x, here's what it does: That is, it's not really 1x (it's smaller), because it miscalculates the window size because of the menu that wraps. It doesn't matter in AVI creation, but it's an inconvenience otherwise.
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nitsuja wrote:
Here's another version:
Much better, but still not quite there! :) It seems that Windows has a _popen() function, by the way. I fixed the noticed problems with nesvideos-piece and created the proper header file for it. I don't understand what the offset parameter in NESVideoLoggingAudio call was for. Please don't add it there - add it to the calling mechanism instead. I'd like to keep the module as much unchanged between emulators as possible. As for A/V sync problems, I don't care about DirectSound buffer things as long as my only motive is to get AVI recordings of GBx games. But even considering that there seems to be a sync problem. Is it possible to force the audio generator to start at the same time as the video generator, not earlier, so that the audio generator won't take a headstart?
Nitsuja wrote:
Also, in case you still wanted to know this: The sound is always 44100 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo. And I just verified that VBA emulates all games at 60 fps.
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If you can't do it by your own (and others, you seem to assume, can), it's because you're not patient enough. You need to learn to be.
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SSVegetto wrote:
CAN someone just please do this for me Im sick of doing this on my own.
Please adjust your attitude.
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I just surprised myself quite big time. I played the ending of the Fireman level today, and I tried various different tactics in the Fireman battle. The technique I used in the published version resulted in level completion at frame #21055 (checkpoint: the moment when the explosion sprites disappear). The fastest I managed to do now was to make that #21025. Apparently, the lag in the ending by the conventional way combined by the time it took to walk to reach the powerup was much greater than the lag created by Fireman's fire show. I got the Fireman battle exactly 30 frames faster than with the tactic I used in the previous movie. I'm amazed, again. That's becoming a habit. WIP updated: Next up: Bombman level. I have some ideas on how to do it, and I'll start by researching the viability of those ideas. If I'll have my will, this level will be improved by couple of seconds as well.
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Terimakasih wrote:
I have a new job from today. and Oh No, it will be hard work to me.
I wish you energy for your job. :)
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Omega wrote:
On a sidenote, why does this submission have zeros as CRC?
Because it was converted with nesmock. nesmock doesn't bother with the ROM, and thus can't fill in the md5sum.
Post subject: Re: Only one minor problem
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fruitbane wrote:
intimidating to newbies
That's a good point. It takes experience to learn to make good movies, and experienced players can easily spot mistakes in beginner movies. Anyone can become experienced. It starts from trying. Unfortunately, there's no other way around it, but people just need to find their courage; to actually start trying. Do not fear criticism! Criticism is the basis for growth. Use it for your advantage, to learn. And from time to time, even first-time submitters make publication-worthy movies. Digest the spirit of the guidelines and you should be on the right road :)
fruitbane wrote:
How good are those of you who are active players and recorders about offering feedback and commentary, and encouragement?
At least when I review movies, there are three levels of feedback I provide: - Sloppy playing: negative feedback, pointing to guidelines etc - Flawless playing: "ok" result - Creativity and surprises: praises and encouragement Needless to say, the extremes stick out and determine the general colour of the feedback. If the movie alternates between sloppiness and flawlessness, the general colour will be negative, even if there are periods of flawless playing.
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bobxp wrote:
What's the Missingno glitch?
In certain Pokémon games, there are certain events that mess up the game and bring up a Pokémon carrying the "MISSINGNO" name, meaning that it's an index to the Pokémon name table to a slot with no valid Pokémon. It has some weird consequences, including warping around the world, catching a Mew and destroying savegames.
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Old movie was 11:56 long. You improved it by 1.5 minutes :o Experience pays off.
Post subject: March 2005
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In March 2005 - The pages of the Nesvideos site were loaded about 550000 times, creating about 6.2 GB of traffic (now includes the forum statistics). - Globally on my webserver, there were 1844887 hits, 11.5 GB of traffic, with average of 2479 hits per hour. 895k hits in the name of MSIE 6, 735k in the name of Mozilla. Opera (when not masquerading as MSIE) counts to about 50k. Domain statistics: 1 .net 31% 2 .com 18% 3 .jp 17% 3 (unresolved) 8% 5 .edu 5% 6 .fi 4% 7 .se 3% 8 .ca 3% 9 .nl 1% 10 .th 1% (!) The most active referer of March was a Japanese site, which has featured many of our movies, and thus brought many Japanese visitors here. Today I added a link to their Bittorrent introduction article for the movie pages. Hitwise, the most active user of the web server has been, which was apparently set on mirroring the entire nesvideos site at least once. Other than that, it was Bag of Magic Food as usually. In Finland, it's becoming spring. Snow is finally melting.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Shame on you! :)
Yeah, horror on me. I even modified the submitted file after submitting it. When I submitted it, it had about 20000 frames of excess data after EOF, but I cleaned it up so now FCM parser truly doesn't find any presses of B in the movie.
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I don't intend to publish it.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
What do you call that, a speedwalk?
Guess so :) Fortunately for me, they've placed invisible ladders in every pit. It takes training to spot them. Without them, Mario would be disqualified from speedwalk competition. :)
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Ps: Ignore the rerecord count. It contains the counter of some Phil&Genisto's movie, and I forgot to zero it before starting to play my own.
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Phil wrote:
I mean for your bandwith and all of this. It takes so long to display.
Well... for the 1 hour Solomon's Key 2 movie, it produces about 4.5 MB of output, but for the 7 minute Trojan movie, it's only 34 kB of output (90% gzip-compressed) and a few seconds of processing time.
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Phil wrote:
Are you sure it is a good idea displaying all frames?
Why not? The idea is to ease hex-editing by interpreting all bytes of the file (except for the savestate contents).
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Do you have trouble hex-editing your FCM file? Just want to see what your FCM file has eaten? Use this utility: Screenshot:
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But the AVI problems need Nitsuja's attention. Also, there was a question regarding the file format, which requires his attention. See the links in my previous post.
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ventuz wrote:
Nice... but can't you do something for the lag? Also, I would have liked it if you keep the weapon charged less of the time, in order to hear the music without that much disturbance :)
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Nitsuja, there is some problem with the video recording. I'm getting video frames of very strange size. Were there warnings in compiling nesvideos-piece.cpp ? Because it's writing data that doesn't make sense. The first four video frames are 7976, 8192, 8192, 8192 bytes long respectively, but it writes to the header that each of them are 46080 bytes long. It's as if the call "fwrite(vidbuf, 1, framesize, avifp);" somehow failed to write the entire buffer at once, but it doesn't care. Edit: Additionally, there seems to be some other problem regarding the video resolution and the sound in beginning. See this sample: - The video buffer is not 160x144 - it contains a marginal that skews the image. The marginal seems to be always 4 pixels wide. It would be nice if you can be so kind as to pass a marginal-removed-buffer to NESVideoLoggingVideo() by creating a temporary buffer prior the call. - There's noise in the beginning. This is probably my error: I'm assuming that memory returned by malloc() is blank, when it's not really so. I fixed this problem at - please update. - The startup logo is of wrong resolution. My error. Please use the updated source code. - There's big delay between video and audio. This is what I noticed also when I tried to playback a movie without AVI recording. Please resolve. :) I also attempted to write explicit error handling to the buffer writing in the updated code. I hope it works better now. Windows apparently never would have guessed that a file is actually a pipe.
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feitclub wrote:
Is there any difference between the US and JP versions of the game besides the title screen? If not, I would stick with the JP version to see that nifty pic of Rockman.
As far as I know, no. If the completed movie works without problems in both, I'll make the AVI using the USA version. (I like the "Mega Man" logo more than the pic of Rockman. :) )