User Files from fella8

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#638205751142482836 - Starlight Mario Underworld "parallel 1-1 ending" (5/24/23)

In 09:36.50 (34647 frames), 26497 rerecords
Uploaded 5/25/2023 1:31 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
This hack has a secret ending that can only be accessed in hard mode, which I showcase in this run. It requires first beating the game, and then playing 1-1 back in hard mode. There is also another secret "VOID ending" which I probably will not end up TASing. I'll leave that for y'all to find on your own :)
I won't go through every level but here's some stuff to mention.
Power-up Grabs:
Excluding power-up time, this run loses one framerule grabbing the mushroom in 1-1, and does not lose any time grabbing the fire flower in 1-3. Extra time is made up due to required slow-downs in 1-3 when playing as small Mario, since fire Mario can kill the enemies in the way, which allows us to finish on the same framerule. 1-3 is 7 frames from saving the framerule, nearly 6 of which can theoretically be made up by getting a running-speed grab. However, since we would still be a frame away, I did not bother trying to achieve this. So overall, only one framerule, plus 122 frames of transition time, are lost to power-up grabs, which is all made up later through bowser kills.
This run abuses the fire-bar position carry-over. When a firebar is despawned, its rotation is saved and used for the next firebar that loads in. I slow down slightly in the middle of the level to allow some firebars to rotate one position further, in order to pass the next section without slowing down. Also, this is the only level that is very close to a framerule being saved (R18), but the closest I was able to get was R20 with optimal walljumps. Maybe it would be possible with better firebar manipulation.
Secret Level:
The game crashes in the boss fight area if any of the enemies are killed, but even though we clip through the ceiling by bouncing off of the hammer bro, we can still run to the axe before it despawns, keeping the game from crashing.

#638045219721753924 - Duality Koopas (9/15/22)

In 01:08.84 (4137 frames), 6691 rerecords
Game: Duality Koopas ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/20/2022 6:19 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
This is a fun puzzle hack where you have to jump on the koopas matching Mario's color in order to get combos and increase the timer. It can be a bit confusing, so I'll explain the mechanics below the video.
Game Mechanics
• Once Mario leaves the ground and bounces on a koopa, his color will change to that of the koopa.
• If Mario successfully bounces on a chain of 3 koopas, the timer will increase, and continue increasing for each additional koopa he bounces on in that chain.
• If Mario takes damage, time will be reduced, rather than killing Mario.
• Mario's color can be cycled mid-air by collecting a coin.
• If a chain is in progress and Mario bounces on a koopa mismatched from his own color, the game will act as if he took damage and decrease the timer.
• At certain areas, the screen will stop scrolling, and will not resume until all enemies are destroyed.

Strategies Used
• Acceleration is altered in this hack, in order to allow Mario to quickly turn around mid-air. I was able to abuse this mechanic to almost instantly get Mario to maximum speed with a specific set of left and right inputs.
• Damage is strategically taken at certain points, in order to both clear the screen of enemies quicker and to lower the timer as much as possible by the end of the first level. This allows the timer countdown after the flagpole to finish sooner.
I unfortunately do not have a download link for this hack, as it was given to me in private.

#638045217870235583 - SMB97 (9/9/22)

In 07:46.58 (28041 frames), 23371 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 6:16 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
This is a joke hack made to purposely be low-quality. Because the level design is so terrible, it makes for a very interesting run, as some strategies are used that would not often be seen in vanilla-styled hacks.
I unfortunately do not have a download link for this hack, as it was given to me in private.

#638045216083516636 - Luigi's Turn by AntimonySM51, fella8, Pixel_, VeganSlayerGaming, & 108pi (6/19/22)

In 18:53.02 (68093 frames), 1138 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 6:13 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
This hack has reduced acceleration, in order to be more accurate to Luigi's usual physics. This made it difficult to optimize certain sections of the TAS, but we eventually figured out the fastest way to accelerate. It is faster to avoid power-ups and just beat the game as small Mario, since there is no bowser until the final level.
This hack can be downloaded here:

#638045209785796160 - Super Ale Bros. Redux Demo (6/6/22)

In 01:14.73 (4491 frames), 3566 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 6:02 AM by fella8 (see all 26)

#638045202447066887 - I'm not gonna do anything if you got first try gulpingcock.niija website (9/21/21)

In 01:44.26 (6266 frames), 1120 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 5:50 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
The title of this hack is a mouthful.
I unfortunately do not have a download link for this hack, as it was given to me in private.

#638045189465612015 - Mission: Hurry Up, Mario Bros. (4/24/22)

In 05:27.62 (19600 frames), 7112 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 5:29 AM by fella8 (see all 26)

#638045182670340641 - New Super Mario Bros. "Lakitu Launch" (3/10/22)

In 02:30.04 (8976 frames), 417 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 5:17 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
This TAS could definitely get more points than it does. It was difficult to optimize the dragging of the stylus while also getting the positioning right.

#638045180058001015 - New Super Mario Bros. "Whack-a-Monty" (3/9/22)

In 01:02.68 (3750 frames), 105 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 5:13 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
I wanted to try DS TASing, so I started out with something simple. It is only possible to hit one mole every 4 frames, so by the end, many moles are left untouched.

#638045150804042275 - Void (9/10/21)

In 01:11.72 (4310 frames), 3192 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 4:24 AM by fella8 (see all 26)
This is a pretty short hack, but it was fun to optimize because it eliminates the use of framerules, so every frame matters in every level.
I unfortunately do not have a download link for this hack, as it was given to me in private.