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Last Updated by Samsara on 5/6/2022 3:18 PM
Work-in-progress writeup for a new [Contributions] position, tentatively named Reviewer. The intent is to make it a sub-Judge level position in the same vein as Encoders are to Publishers, a "part-time" role meant to help with submission overload without needing to fully commit to being a Judge.

NOTE: Depending on submission influx in the future, this may not end up being a proper role on the site at all, but a much more open volunteer position that anyone in the community can take on. 


!! Reviewers

Reviewers make up a trusted panel of experienced members that analyze and provide feedback on submissions when necessary. They operate similarly to Judges, and are expected to have similar qualifications in turn. While they are not directly able to process submissions, they are able to review them on behalf of Judges, and Judges can subsequently sign off on those reviews as official judgements.

When reviewing submissions, Reviewers are expected to follow the [Judge guidelines].

! Qualifications

* The ability to verify input files.
** Knowledge of emulators and their usage is key to this position. The biggest unbreakable rule we have is that an input file must sync from beginning to end for multiple users.
* A keen eye for optimization, or high-level game knowledge.
** High-level TAS experience is not necessarily needed, though a Reviewer should be comfortable being able to spot mistakes in submissions.
* Being a kind, caring, and active member and representative of the community.
** Judging is often the first thing a new member experiences. We do not want to scare TASers off with harsh judgements. Above all else, respect the TASers and their work. Encourage them, give them constructive advice, help their creativity flourish, and let them know they're welcome here.
** An active line of communication with the judging team is highly encouraged. Joining our [Discord server] is ideal, as it's the easiest way of everyone being able to stay in contact with each other.
* A good understanding of the [movie rules], [guidelines], and approaches that are applied to the movies being judged.
** While Reviewers aren't expected to handle extreme cases, some submissions that look trivial may end up being a lot more difficult than expected. A good understanding of the rules will help
** Always keep in mind that rules can change, and that they should not always be blindly enforced.