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Bigbass wrote:
SNES might become a lot more possible in the near future. rasteri has created a hardware mod (open source) that essentially synchronizes the APU (audio) clock to the CPU clock, which should improve how deterministic the console is. But more testing is needed.
Does it match an emulator configuration or should the emulator be adjusted to that?
Bigbass wrote:
There's been amazing progress in the past few years, across many different systems. Yet, from my experience researching and testing, it's clear there are still many unknowns. But I think that's okay! It means there is much more to explore and learn.
Like Sega Genesis, I suppose. I see, all verified movies were done years ago, and those were old Gens movies. The last year, I asked in dwangoAC's Discord channel about verifying Genesis movies and someone responded that not much attempts were initiated to do that, so maybe there is another platform just waiting for its time.
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Another AVGN-reviewed game nailed! Well, the game looks boring. It's disappointing the mini-games cannot be done faster
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Alyosha wrote:
Unfortunately the 100% run desync in v2.1.3 because 2.1.2 used the wrong EEPROM size.
Oh. I though EEPROM is used for game saves and high score boards only, and I didn't make a single save in my run. It goes out of sync about half way through Level 1-3. I assume, the reason is I changed the weapon auto-switching option and the emulator wrote to the wrong part of RAM which caused extra lag frames and/or RNG change. Am I on the right track? Just a guess. My Doom TAS of Level 1 goes out of sync when I save the game at the end on v2.1.3. More time is spent saving
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Alyosha wrote:
I was finally able to test the Duke Nukem test run that Dimon12321 made. Works fine on console.
Holy Father! I didn't expect it to sync at all, knowing it's unusual hardware utilization, 3D graphics and uncapped framerate, because all three FPS TAS tests I've provided are lag-sensitive. Judging by verifications of side-scrollers, all those RNG troubles, I was convinced "When every known game can be played back, only then Duke Nukem can be played back too". Well, that feels different now. I made a 100% low-effort TAS of Duke Nukem. In case you'd like to check it even further, here's the movie: User movie #638510452607262334 Regardless, you've influenced my TASing priorities!
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Oh, it's been a while
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I have resynced it on BizHawk 2.9.1. User movie #638527004689467571
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Aglar wrote: - zone 0 better optimized
Alright. So, I decided to try this game out. This is my attempt to question Aglar's TAS of Zone O (aka. Level 1). Even though I performed the zipping glitch once and kept it all the way, instead of re-colliding the chipmunks each time, the lower route is more lag-prone (because you end up having more enemies on the screen) and I spent more time in the air by doing small jumps to keep chipmunks collided. This TAS is effectively 15 frames slower and my final position is worse because there are 3 levels of crates I need to cross.
  • Zone O1. Top floor, upper route at the beginning.
I tried taking the upper route once I reach the end of the second vertical pipe. For this, I didn't sacrifice a chipmunk for the other one to use it for a vault and performed a zipping glitch instead. Unfortunately, you can't jump over a such a big target as a mechanical dog. The only way out is to jump down where Aglar takes the lead. Aglar manages to keep the route optimized while keeping the chipmunks on the edge of the screen, although it's not appropriate, because, at some point of zipping, the game may randomly push you in the opposite direction or stop you. I don't know why this happens. Still, using such position, he manipulates luck by making the mouse above the tall block of crates jump away, hence making less creatures on the screen afterwards.
  • Zone O2
User movie #638525257538743066 No, taking the lower route to have zipping glitch for more time doesn't save time, because the mouse jumps over the crates and hits chipmunks. User movie #638525258334574985 Also, there is no way to perform one long fall right after executing zipping glitch. One chipmunk lacks one unit of X position and lands on the very edge of the crate instead. If I delay the drop, I get hit by the mouse on top.
Maybe something will be discovered in the future, but I think Aglar has probably found the potential limits: 1. A jump to an upper platform (64 units higher): video moment. The way to do this is, one chipmunk does a minor jump, the other chimpunk performs a jump of a specific length (of holding A button) and you can achieve stability by making the collision push both chimpunks straight up, without giving any X momentum to cause resonance. This way you can reach the shown level of height. After this, the game separates the chipmunks on their way down, but here they already land on the upper platform and the state of collision survives. Also, Aglar's very first jump with zipping preservation is just hilarious. He manages to handle the collision in the way so Chip lifts up in the air without jumping. 2. A 39-units jump-landing while preserving the state of collision: video moment. If you check inputs, you'll notice that both jumps with collision preservation and throws to reach the state of collision (zipping glitch) are patternized for different conditions. One step aside makes chipmunks separated.
To summarize, maybe an improvement there exists, but I haven't found it in 6 days of testing and examinations. I think Aglar's TAS is indeed optimized. UPD: fix video links
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Well, I hope the meme will gain some popularity xD
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Not so bad, really. The pace keeps relatively fast. Yes vote
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Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers (NES) Is it allowed to kill characters using a special menu? You press Select (it shows up the status screen). There, pressing A+B at the same time shows an special option "Give up? No, Yes". If you select "Yes", you can select the character to kill. After that, it disappears, loses a life and respawns as usual. Here is how speedrun utilizes this trick: Link to video
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That was spectacular to watch! Especially that primitive enemy AI which makes them jump in the pit. Yes vote, and I agree with your opinion to upload TAS as is
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In scope of TAS movies provision to test emulation accuracy, I'd like to provide two movies (following previously posted Duke Nukem Advance movie): - Serious Sam Advance: User movie #638512881522132559 - Doom: User movie #638513118358303271 Speaking of Doom. For some reason, GBAHawk doesn't make an in-game save. I don't know if I should create an issue on GitHub or maybe I missed some warning on this regard, but since battery-backed saves were mentioned in previous verifications, I think that means the emulator must be capable of doing saves. For comparison, here is my BizHawk 2.6.1 TAS, where game is being saved just fine: User movie #74380673068812668
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I was interested in watching a TAS of Columns 1, despite the game being "infinite". Thank you for this! I have strong doubts your run is optimized. The beginning looks great, but after some time into the game you stop building complicated combos and pretty much just keep playing as is, hoping for easy column sequences to come. The stack of columns is predefined. It doesn't depend on RNG or some timer. You could just place 20 blocks, note them down, rewind the movie and plan how to build a good combo. What's the point of having Player 2? Just to have your moves mirrored?
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It was interesting to watch the pearl physics optimization. Yes vote
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I made a 100% walkthrough (loTAd), just for fun. However, it will help in planning an Any% TAS on the hardest difficulty. User movie #638510452607262334 Link to video
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CoolHandMike wrote:
How can we make sure each of them is accurate?
The topic is definitely related to enhancing the possibility to TAS distinct games. My personal opinion: let's value the presence of TASes higher than possible inaccuracies of source ports, re-ports and disassembles. If some unofficial port of a game is TASed, then OK, why not? Then, an official version of the game is TASed - great, it can definitely obsolete the previous submission or the former TAS can be moved to alternative publications. What about Bizhawk. Since it already handles multiple emulators, its architecture, I'm sure, is quite complicated already. It makes sense to take the path of GBAHawk then, and have only special "cores" to launch individual games in the way you provide. Vanilla Doom source ports are already accepted. There are two main source ports to build actual frame-by-frame TAS demos: - XDRE - for Doom itself and some other "standartized" source ports (compatibilities), like Boom and MBF. - DSDA-Doom - for Doom, Heretic and Hexen games, and also Boom, MBF and MBF21. All this is thanks to Doom engine's native way of replay provision which technically never goes out of sync, unless you edit demo header. Vanilla Doom, Heretic and Hexen demos can be played back on real DOS machines and not rely on specific hardware.
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coolman wrote:
I don't know how interesting it would be, but I would love to see a TAS of The House of the Dead: Overkill. Maybe a maximum score goal would be interesting?
You may find it out in the respective thread. I dropped the work after beating 2 missions out of 7 back in 2018. Here's also a full game TAS playlist, but not by a tasvideos member. Maximum score will not be that interesting because the 4th or 5th boss (I don't remember exactly) periodically calls zombies with police shields and this will repeat forever until the boss is dead. Any% with Extra zombies is the best goal, realistically. Saving civilians is optional. Director's Cut mode would be even better, but it requires a verification movie (beating the game in Story Mode and saving it)
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Looks quite fun, thanks to the pace
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darkainmx wrote: WALP, here it is. As far as I know, this was the final build of the game.
I assume, neither PC nor GBA ports won't have an instruction of how to compile the source? Also, including .exe files in repositories is not common even for officially freeware games. If you can split the retail files and the source, you'd better keep the retail as an archive.
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It's disappointing nobody picked this game in 16 years. Well, let's see what I can do. The whole game looks relatively easy. Just movement optimization and occasional shooting distinct enemies. Movement nuances - You switch weapons by holding Select and pressing L and R bar keys. While you do this, you can't strafe. Select, Select + L - that's two render cycles needed to change the weapon. - You can't jump over stairs railings or over enemies. - To activate switches or doors, you just have to be close to them. You don't have to face them. Alien switches have kinda weird hitboxes and may not get activated that easily. - To grab an item, you must be at the same height or above it. You can't bump into items using your momentum, like in Doom. - When you turn, you increase the camera speed. If you hold Left, then switch it to Right, you turn in the opposite direction at the same speed. - The framerate doesn't affect the speed. Speed units RAM addresses work only in scope of the current level. You have to perform a new search again. Run forward (RF) = 1568 Run backward (RB) = 874 (55.7%) Strafe Left (SL) = 868 Strafe Right (SR) = 875 RF-strafing (either left or right) = 1793 RB-SL = 1231 RB-SR = 1237 To have a perfect angle for RF-strafing, you need to turn left/right by 21 degrees away from the direction you want to run towards. For RB-strafing - by 32 degrees. Optimization The framerate is uncapped, which makes it harder to optimize the movement because you have to redo the input every time you try a different way of movement and luck manipulation. You can't just copy or delete unnecessary frames. You gotta follow for how many non-lagged frames you kept each button pressed before doing progress in a different way, and it still doesn't guarantee you will do the same what you used to do. The enemies often stand dead on their tracks when you see them. I think it has something to do with performance optimization to spend less time on AI logic. Enemies The following list is determined by doing RAW Search. GBAHawk, WRAM memory domain, unsigned int. HP cannot be negative (if an enemy is dead, its HP is zero)
EnemyHealth (HP)
Assault General (Trooper)40
Pig Cop60
Hybrid Gray Alien50
Spiderlord (boss 1, 02BF18, 2 bytes)1100
Cyber Alien (boss 3, 0194C8, 2 bytes)2000
Alien Egg50
Alien Crab80
Alien Lord (boss 4, 027D78, 2 bytes)5000
It's not clear how much health does Boss 2 actually have. First, you need to hit it 9 times to get a call from the general. Then, you must make the boss walk under the crusher and it dies instantly. The crusher deals 4 damage. One smash cycle takes 64 hp away. Weapons
Mighty Foot40
Desert Eagle (Pistol)12
Shotgun50 (5 pallets, each one deals 10 damage)
Lead Cannon147 (7 pallets, each one deals 21 damage)
RPG200 (80 = direct hit, 0...120 = splash damage)
Pipe Bombs0...255 = splash damage
Shrink Ray0
Boss 1 rocket0...40 = splash damage
Shrink Ray and Freezethrower cannot do anything to bosses. Here is a TAS test which passes first 2 levels (1A and 1B). The encode is included there.
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I recorded a small TAS of Duke Nukem Advance: User movie #638491602391815310 The game features unusual usage of hardware. The sound chip participates in calculation and doesn't play music during the gameplay. Besides, the framerate is uncapped. So I think it will be a good accuracy test for GBAHawk, if you have the game around.
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PurpleSun wrote:
Unfortunately not, as it turns out it was done on a bad dump. Someone had asked him on one of his WIP posts (, but he said that he only found out the game was a bad dump when it crashed on Lanayru Twilight. Trying the inputs on a good dump didn't get past the title screen.
A fallen star, sitting next to Metroid Prime submission =(
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Looks quite technical, although it will lose quite a bit of entertainment if all races will be done using this shortcut.
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Thank you for the route provision. I've discovered several new things now. I like the game, but have never played it. Yes vote!
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Too much everything "Gradius" on the screen xD Yes vote
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